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Working Paper
Who Values Access to College?
Ionescu, Felicia; Vidangos, Ivan; Neelakantan, Urvi; Athreya, Kartik B.
A first glance at US data suggests that college -- given its mean returns and sharply subsidized cost for all enrollees -- could be of great value to most. Using an empirically-disciplined human capital model that allows for variation in college readiness, we show otherwise. While the top decile of valuations is indeed large (40 percent of consumption), nearly half of high school completers place zero value on access to college. Subsidies to college currently flow to those already best positioned to succeed and least sensitive to them. Even modestly targeted alternatives may therefore improve ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2019-015
Do colleges and universities increase their region's human capital?
Abel, Jaison R.; Deitz, Richard
We investigate whether the degree production and research and development (R&D) activities of colleges and universities are related to the amount and types of human capital present in the metropolitan areas where the institutions are located. We find that degree production has only a small positive relationship with local stocks of human capital, suggesting that migration plays an important role in the geographic distribution of human capital. Moreover, we show that spillovers from academic R&D activities tilt the structure of local labor markets toward occupations requiring innovation and ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 401
Discussion Paper
Who Falters at Student Loan Payback Time?
Chakrabarti, Rajashri; Lovenheim, Michael; Morris, Kevin
This is the final post in a four-part series examining the evolution of enrollment, student loans, graduation and default in the higher education market over the course of the past fifteen years. In the first post, we found a marked increase in enrollment of 35 percent between 2000 and 2015, led mostly by the for-profit sector?which increased enrollment by 177 percent. The second post showed that these new enrollees were quite different from the traditional enrollees. Yesterday?s post demonstrated an unprecedented increase in loan origination amounts during this period?nearly tripling between ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20160909
Discussion Paper
The Changing Higher Education Landscape
Lovenheim, Michael; Chakrabarti, Rajashri; Morris, Kevin
The past decade and a half has seen dramatic changes in the higher education landscape, characterized by significant growth in enrollment. This growth has been concentrated mostly in for-profit schools, where enrollment skyrocketed in the first decade of the period, nearly quadrupling between 2000 and 2011. The post-2011 period has been marked by an abatement of this growth. These patterns have strong implications not only for the higher education market but also for the labor force and the economy more broadly. Therefore, it is essential to understand the evolution of the different sectors ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20160906
College Towns and COVID-19: The Impact on New England
Sullivan, Riley
The abrupt closing of college campuses this spring due to the spread of COVID-19 upended the lives of students and their families and disrupted the higher education sector. The impact of these closures and the questions of whether and how to reopen campuses this fall have been widely discussed. Less attention has been paid to the potential consequences for the local economies of the cities and towns that depend heavily on higher education. This issue is particularly important in New England, where in many communities, colleges and universities are among the largest employers and make an ...
New England Public Policy Center Regional Brief
, Paper 2020-3
Working Paper
Does Salient Financial Information Affect Academic Performance and Borrowing Behavior among College Students?
Schmeiser, Maximilian D.; Stoddard, Christiana; Urban, Carly
While rising student loan debt can plague college students future finances, few federal programs have been instituted to educate college students on the mechanics of student loan borrowing. This paper exploits a natural experiment in which some students received "Know Your Debt" letters with incentivized offers for one-on-one financial counseling. Montana State University students who reached a specific debt threshold received these letters; University of Montana students did not. We use a difference-in-difference-in-differences strategy to compare students above and below the thresholds ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2015-75
Working Paper
State disinvestment in higher education: the impact on public research universities' patent applications
Zhao, Bo
While state appropriations are the largest revenue source of the U.S. public university systems, they have declined significantly over the past several decades. Surprisingly, there is little empirical work on the effect of state appropriation cuts on the research productivity of public universities. Helping fill that gap, this paper is the first to examine the role that state appropriations play in public universities? patent production. The results suggest that state appropriation cuts have a negative impact on the number of approved patent applications from public research universities. ...
Working Papers
, Paper 19-2
Who Applies to and Enrolls at Selective Colleges?
Marto, Ricardo
Attending college is an investment in one’s human capital. But how does parental income impact where students apply and, ultimately, where they enroll?
On the Economy
The Cost of College
Harker, Patrick T.
Speaking at Saint Louis University in St. Louis, MO. President Harker speaks about the Cost of College.
, Paper 149
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 9 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 9 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 8 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 6 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 5 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 5 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 items
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Finance and Economics Discussion Series 9 items
Economic Commentary 5 items
Liberty Street Economics 5 items
Speech 5 items
Working Paper Series 4 items
Working Papers 4 items
Consumer Finance Institute discussion papers 2 items
Econ Focus 2 items
On the Economy 2 items
Working Papers (Old Series) 2 items
Cascade 1 items
Cascade Focus 1 items
New England Public Policy Center Regional Brief 1 items
New England Public Policy Center Research Report 1 items
Regional Matters 1 items
Richmond Fed Economic Brief 1 items
Staff Reports 1 items
The Regional Economist 1 items
Working Paper 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Working Paper 20 items
Journal Article 9 items
Discussion Paper 8 items
Speech 5 items
Report 3 items
Briefing 2 items
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Webber, Douglas A. 9 items
Hinrichs, Peter 8 items
Ritter, Dubravka 6 items
Chakrabarti, Rajashri 4 items
Ost, Ben 4 items
Pan, Weixiang 4 items
Barrow, Lisa 3 items
Kelchen, Robert 3 items
Lovenheim, Michael 3 items
Morris, Kevin 3 items
Abel, Jaison R. 2 items
Aksu, Ege 2 items
Athreya, Kartik B. 2 items
Balakrishnan, Sidhya 2 items
Bettinger, Eric 2 items
Collins, Susan M. 2 items
Deitz, Richard 2 items
Harker, Patrick T. 2 items
Hartley, Jonathan S. 2 items
Ionescu, Felicia 2 items
Kofoed, Michael S. 2 items
McFarland, Amanda 2 items
Neelakantan, Urvi 2 items
Rouse, Cecilia Elena 2 items
Vidangos, Ivan 2 items
Webber, Douglas 2 items
Zhao, Bo 2 items
Baker-Smith, Christine 1 items
Baldini, Noelle 1 items
Bass, Mickenzie 1 items
Bidanda, Maya 1 items
Butcher, Kristin F. 1 items
Clark, Kallie 1 items
Cook, Emily E. 1 items
Goldrick-Rab, Sara 1 items
Hundtofte , Sean 1 items
Latham, Sierra 1 items
Leukhina, Oksana 1 items
Marto, Ricardo 1 items
McEwan, Patrick 1 items
Mester, Loretta J. 1 items
Morris, Wesley 1 items
Mullen, Katrina 1 items
Perkins, Christel 1 items
Pinkovskiy, Maxim L. 1 items
Rhodes, Karl 1 items
Romero, Jessica Sackett 1 items
Sartain, Lauren 1 items
Schmeiser, Maximilian D. 1 items
Stoddard, Christiana 1 items
Sullivan, Riley 1 items
Turner, Sarah 1 items
Ullrich, Laura Dawson 1 items
Urban, Carly 1 items
Vandenbroucke, Guillaume 1 items
Wardrip, Keith 1 items
Weerapana, Akila 1 items
York, Travis T. 1 items
de Zeeuw, Mels 1 items
http://fedora:8080/fcrepo/rest/objects/authors/ 1 items
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FILTER BY Keywords
higher education 49 items
student loans 7 items
enrollment 5 items
College major 4 items
College premium 4 items
Firm effect 4 items
Returns to institution 4 items
Wage decomposition 4 items
education 4 items
financial aid 4 items
human capital 4 items
affirmative action 3 items
college 3 items
community colleges 3 items
segregation 3 items
Employment 3 items
budget 3 items
revenue 3 items
tuition 3 items
COVID-19 2 items
Fed roles 2 items
IDR 2 items
ISA 2 items
New England 2 items
college admissions 2 items
college enrollment 2 items
community college 2 items
educational investment 2 items
incentives 2 items
income-driven repayment 2 items
knowledge spillovers 2 items
labor markets 2 items
local economic development 2 items
maximum employment 2 items
student debt 2 items
university 2 items
Adverse Selection 2 items
Closure 2 items
Default 2 items
Demographic cliff 2 items
Education Finance 2 items
Financial Investment 2 items
For-profits 2 items
Regional economy 2 items
5th district 1 items
ACA 1 items
Blog 1 items
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Cost of College 1 items
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Income Share Agreements 1 items
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Part time 1 items
Public Funding 1 items
Tax reform 1 items
affordability 1 items
appropriations 1 items
child care 1 items
collaboration 1 items
college applications 1 items
college selectivity 1 items
college tuition 1 items
economic impacts 1 items
economy 1 items
education insurance 1 items
education quality 1 items
educational attainment 1 items
financial counseling 1 items
financial education 1 items
financial literacy 1 items
fiscal challenge 1 items
fiscal policy 1 items
for-profit 1 items
grading policy 1 items
graduation 1 items
human capital improvements 1 items
income insurance 1 items
income- contingent loans 1 items
income-based repayment 1 items
income-contingent financing 1 items
income-contingent repayment 1 items
income-share agreement 1 items
income-share agreements 1 items
inequality 1 items
inflation 1 items
instructional spending 1 items
loan delinquencies 1 items
pandemic 1 items
parental income 1 items
patent applications 1 items
postsecondary 1 items
price stability 1 items
public universities 1 items
returns on college education 1 items
state appropriations 1 items
state funding cuts 1 items
student loan 1 items
student loan repayment 1 items
time use 1 items
training 1 items
workforce 1 items
workforce develoment 1 items
workforce development 1 items
working places 1 items
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