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Opening Remarks
Remarks at Racism and the Economy: Focus on Health (delivered via prerecorded video).
Working Paper
A Denial a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
Who bears the consequences of administrative problems in healthcare? We use data on repeated interactions between a large sample of U.S. physicians and many different insurers to document the complexity of healthcare billing, and estimate its economic costs for doctors and consequences for patients. Observing the back-and-forth sequences of claim denials and resubmissions for past visits, we can estimate physicians’ costs of haggling with insurers to collect payments. Combining these costs with the revenue never collected, we estimate that physicians lose 18% of Medicaid revenue to billing ...
Journal Article
Labor Shortages in the Healthcare Sector Have Eased, Which May Soften Price Pressures
Following severe labor shortages during the post-pandemic recovery, employment and wage growth in the healthcare sector have returned to their pre-pandemic trends. The healthcare sector is labor intensive, and inflation in the sector has historically tracked wage growth. Thus, lower wage growth may limit price pressures in the healthcare sector.
Survey Examines Health and Education Conditions in the Eighth District’s LMI Communities
In a recent survey of LMI community stakeholders, respondents expected some improvement in education conditions but a mixed outlook for health care in 2024.
Working Paper
Losing insurance and psychiatric hospitalizations
We study the effect of losing insurance on psychiatric – mental health disorder (MHD) and substance use disorder (SUD) – hospital-based care. Psychiatric disorders cost the U.S. over $1T each year and hospitalizations provide important and valuable care for patients with these disorders. We use variation in public insurance coverage (Medicaid) eligibility offered by a large-scale and unexpected disenrollment in the state of Tennessee in 2005 that lead to 190,000 individuals losing their insurance. Medicaid enrollees are at elevated risk for psychiatric disorders. Following the ...
Journal Article
Upfront: New from the Richmond Fed's Regional Matters blog
New from the Richmond Fed’s Regional Matters blog