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Keywords:expected shortfall 

Working Paper
Model Risk of Risk Models

This paper evaluates the model risk of models used for forecasting systemic and market risk. Model risk, which is the potential for different models to provide inconsistent outcomes, is shown to be increasing with and caused by market uncertainty. During calm periods, the underlying risk forecast models produce similar risk readings, hence, model risk is typically negligible. However, the disagreement between the various candidate models increases significantly during market distress, with a no obvious way to identify which method is the best. Finally, we discuss the main problems in risk ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2014-34

Working Paper
Growth-at-Risk is Investment-at-Risk

We investigate the role financial conditions play in the composition of U.S. growth-at-risk. We document that, by a wide margin, growth-at-risk is investment-at-risk. That is, if financial conditions indicate U.S. real GDP growth will be in the lower tail of its conditional distribution, we know that the main contributor is a decline in investment. Consumption contributes under extreme financial stress. Government spending and net exports do not play a role.
Working Papers , Paper 2023-020


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Amburgey, Aaron 1 items

Danielsson, Jon 1 items

James, Kevin 1 items

McCracken, Michael W. 1 items

Valenzuela, Marcela 1 items

Zer, Ilknur 1 items

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C12 1 items

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expected shortfall 2 items

Basel III 1 items

CoVaR 1 items

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Value-at-Risk 1 items

financial stability 1 items

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