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Keywords:enforcement OR Enforcement 

Working Paper
Credit access and relational contracts: An experiment testing informational and contractual frictions for Pakistani farmers
International Finance Discussion Papers

Macroprudential policy and the revolving door of risk: lessons from leveraged lending guidance

We investigate the U.S. experience with macroprudential policies by studying the interagency guidance on leveraged lending. We find that the guidance primarily impacted large, closely supervised banks, but only after supervisors issued important clarifications. It also triggered a migration of leveraged lending to nonbanks. While we do not find that nonbanks had more lax lending policies than banks, we unveil important evidence that nonbanks increased bank borrowing following the issuance of guidance, possibly to finance their growing leveraged lending. The guidance was effective at reducing ...
Staff Reports , Paper 815

Working Paper
Financial contracting with enforcement externalities

Contract enforceability in financial markets often depends on the aggregate actions of agents. For example, high default rates in credit markets can delay legal enforcement or reduce the value of collateral, incentivizing even more defaults and potentially affecting credit supply. We develop a theory of credit provision in which enforceability of individual contracts is linked to aggregate behavior. The central element behind this link is enforcement capacity, which is endogenously determined by investments in enforcement infrastructure. Our paper sheds new light on the emergence of credit ...
Working Papers , Paper 16-1

The first line of defense and financial crime: keynote Address at the 1LoD Summit, New York City

Keynote Address at the 1LoD Summit, New York City.
Speech , Paper 313


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