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Keywords:educational attainment 

Residential Segregation and the Black-White College Gap

Using an economic model, researchers find that racial wage disparities, the amenity externality and racial barriers to moving could help explain the Black-white gap in college attainment.
On the Economy

How Do Firms Differ in Rich and Poor Countries?

Firms in countries with high GDP per capita tend to have larger and more highly educated workforces and to be organized differently than firms in poor countries.
On the Economy

Racial Equity Could Produce Widespread Economic Gains

An analysis suggests that racial and ethnic equity in employment, hours worked, education and earnings could expand U.S. GDP by trillions of dollars.
Economic Equity Insights

Do College Degrees Mean More Wealth?

College degrees usually indicate higher income and wealth over those without. But the college wealth premium for those born more recently is getting smaller.
On the Economy

How Nonmonetary Job Amenities Improve with Higher Education

Nonmonetary job amenities tend to improve in occupations that require higher levels of education, providing an additional reason for college enrollment.
On the Economy

Journal Article
The Return on Investing in a College Education

Comparing higher education’s costs and benefits—tuition and greater future earnings, respectively—shows that the returns on investing in college can be high.
The Regional Economist

Journal Article
Educational Attainment of Immigrants at the National and Eighth District Levels

What role does the foreign-born population play in the economy? Educational attainment and earnings data shed light on potential contributions.
The Regional Economist , Volume 28 , Issue 4

Journal Article
Decline in Number of Workers with “Some College” Is Boosting Healthcare Wage Inflation

Compared with the pre-pandemic period, the labor force contains about 1.5 million fewer individuals who have some post-secondary schooling but less than a bachelor’s degree. As a result, vacancies for jobs that require a post-secondary certificate or an associate degree remain elevated, especially in health-related fields. These shortages have contributed to higher wages in the fast-growing healthcare field and are unlikely to resolve quickly.
Economic Bulletin

Older Millennials Experience Pandemic Hardships Unequally

For those born in the 1980s, hardships during COVID-19 can vary greater because of one’s race, ethnicity or educational attainment.
On the Economy

Working Paper
Will talent attraction and retention improve metropolitan labor markets?

Since the early 1990s, metropolitan entities and local governments have targeted incentives, policies, and investments with the goal of highly educated and skilled workers to locate in their communities. These efforts focus on attracting workers who hold a bachelor?s degree or higher and have had a profound effect on the form and management of metropolitan areas, but there is not clear evidence that growth in bachelor?s or higher degree attainment improves metropolitan labor market outcomes. I use an outcomes-based cluster-discriminant analysis to test whether or not metropolitan areas with ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 2015-4


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