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Keywords:economic policy uncertainty 

Working Paper
What drives economic policy uncertainty in the long and short runs? European and U.S. evidence over several decades

Economic policy uncertainty (EPU) has increased markedly in recent years in the U.S. and Europe, and some have posited a link between this phenomenon and subpar economic growth in advanced economies (see Baker, Bloom, and Davis, 2015). But methodological and data concerns have thus far raised doubts about whether EPU contains marginal and exogenous information about other economic phenomena. Our work analyzes the impact on EPU of several possibly endogenous variables, such as inflation and unemployment rates in countries where EPU is measured. We also consider longer-term technological ...
Working Papers , Paper 1615

Working Paper
Economic policy uncertainty and the credit channel: aggregate and bank level U.S. evidence over several decades

Economic policy uncertainty aspects decisions of households, businesses, policy makers and financial intermediaries. We first examine the impact of economic policy uncertainty on aggregate bank credit growth. Then we analyze commercial bank entity level data to gauge the effects of policy uncertainty on financial intermediaries' lending. We exploit the cross-sectional heterogeneity to back out indirect evidence of its effects on businesses and households. We ask (i) whether, conditional on standard macroeconomic controls, economic policy uncertainty affected bank level credit growth, and (ii) ...
Working Papers , Paper 1605

Economic Policy Uncertainty in Election Years

In this article, I focus on the measurement techniques and historical trends of a specific form of uncertainty: economic policy uncertainty, as measured by the EPU index. I describe how the EPU index has behaved during presidential election years, offering insights into its potential evolution.
Richmond Fed Economic Brief , Volume 24 , Issue 20



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