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Keywords:crime OR Crime 

Working Paper
'Captive markets': the impact of kidnappings on corporate investment in Colombia

This paper measures the impact of crime on firm investment by exploiting variation in kidnappings in Colombia from 1996 to 2002. Our central result is that firms invest less when kidnappings directly target firms. We also find that broader forms of crime--homicides, guerrilla attacks, and general kidnappings--have no significant effect on investment. This finding alleviates concerns that our main result may be driven by unobserved variables that explain both overall criminal activity and investment. Furthermore, kidnappings that target firms reduce not only the investment of firms that sell ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2006-18

Journal Article
Research spotlight : Are criminals rational?

Econ Focus , Volume 8 , Issue Spr , Pages 7

Working Paper
Not in My Backyard? Not So Fast. The Effect of Marijuana Legalization on Neighborhood Crime

This paper studies the effects of marijuana legalization on neighborhood crime using unique geospatial data from Denver, Colorado. We construct a highly local panel data set that includes changes in the location of marijuana dispensaries and changes in neighborhood crime. To account for endogenous retail dispensary locations, we use a novel identification strategy that exploits exogenous changes in demand across different locations. The change in geographic demand arises from the increased importance of access to external markets caused by a change in state and local policy. The results imply ...
Working Papers , Paper 17-19

Journal Article
A punishing debate: does the death penalty deter homicide? New economic studies seek the answer to an age-old question

The Region , Volume 16 , Issue Jun , Pages 12-15, 40-43

Journal Article
Economics and crime in the states

Polls identify crime as the number one public worry. Crime also exacts tremendous costs not factored into official measures of well-being, and it is a favorite subject of political campaign promises. However, the public seems largely unaware that crime responds to economic conditions and incentives and that the results of a substantial body of work by economists have important implications for public policy. ; This article introduces the economics and crime literature by describing a simple supply-and-demand crime model in which criminals supply crime, the public demands protection from ...
Economic Review , Volume 84 , Issue Q1 , Pages 38-56

Working Paper
Blowing it up and knocking it down: the effect of demolishing high concentration public housing on crime

Despite popular accounts that link public housing demolitions to spatial redistribution of crime, and possible increases in crime, little systematic research has analyzed the neighborhood or citywide impact of demolitions on crime. In Chicago, which has conducted the largest public housing demolition program in the United States, I find that public housing demolitions are associated with a 10 percent to 20 percent reduction in murder, assault, and robbery in neighborhoods where the demolitions occurred. Furthermore, violent crime rates fell by about the same amount in neighborhoods that ...
Working Papers (Old Series) , Paper 1022

Journal Article
Report outlines new efforts to combat counterfeiting abroad

Financial Update , Volume 16 , Issue Q 2

Journal Article
Just the facts, ma’am

Crime patterns in the district vary widely, but explaining differences and trends is difficult.
Fedgazette , Volume 21 , Issue Mar , Pages 6-8


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