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Keywords:credit bureaus 

Consumer Credit Reporting Data

Since the 2000s, economists across fields have increasingly used consumer credit reporting data for research. We introduce readers to the economics of and the institutional details of these data. Using examples from the literature, we provide practical guidance on how to use these data to construct economic measures of borrowing, consumption, credit access, financial distress, and geographic mobility. We explain what credit scores measure, and why. We highlight how researchers can access credit reporting data via existing datasets or by creating new datasets, including by linking credit ...
Staff Reports , Paper 1114

Working Paper
Serving the Underserved: Microcredit as a Pathway to Commercial Banks

A large-scale microcredit expansion program---together with a credit bureau accessible to all lenders---can enable unbanked borrowers to build a credit history, facilitating their transition to commercial banks. Loan-level data from Rwanda show the program improved access to credit and reduced poverty. A sizable share of first-time borrowers switched to commercial banks, which cream-skim less risky borrowers and grant them larger, cheaper, and longer-maturity loans. Switchers have lower default risk than non-switchers and are not riskier than other bank borrowers. Switchers also obtain better ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2021-041

Journal Article
What's in the file? The economics and law of consumer credit bureaus.

In "What's in the File? The Economics and Law of Consumer Credit Bureaus," author Bob Hunt points out that lenders in the United States have voluntarily shared information about their customers - through credit bureaus - for nearly a century. Hunt explains how sharing information about consumers' indebtedness and payment histories can benefit both consumers and lenders. These benefits depend, however, on the accuracy of the information reported and the care taken to ensure that information is disclosed only when appropriate. Hunt also describes the Fair Credit Reporting Act, which ...
Business Review , Issue Q2 , Pages 17-25


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