Search Results
Journal Article
Revitalizing the American dream
Forrestal, Robert P.
Economics Update
, Issue Apr
, Pages 4, 10
Working Paper
Bond positions, expectations, and the yield curve
Piazzesi, Monika; Schneider, Martin
This paper implements a structural model of the yield curve with data on nominal positions and survey forecasts. Bond prices are characterized in terms of investors' current portfolio holdings as well as their subjective beliefs about future bond payoffs. Risk premia measured by an econometrician vary because of changes in investors' subjective risk premia that are identified from portfolios and subjective beliefs but also because subjective beliefs differ from those of the econometrician. The main result is that investors' systematic forecast errors are an important source of business cycle ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper
, Paper 2008-02
Journal Article
Cross-country personal saving rates
Guidolin, Massimo; La Jeunesse, Elizabeth A.
National Economic Trends
, Issue May
Journal Article
Economic implications of changing population trends
Wascher, William L.; Goodman, John L.; Burch, Susan Weller
Federal Reserve Bulletin
, Issue Dec
Journal Article
A wealth effect
, Volume 2
, Issue Q2
, Pages 2-6
Journal Article
After the refinancing boom: will consumers scale back their spending?
Peach, Richard; Al-Haschimi, Alex; McConnell, Margaret M.
Concerns are rising that the recent surge in home equity withdrawal has left consumers in a weakened financial position that will, over time, prompt a retrenchment in spending. However, a look at household assets and liabilities suggests that consumers have used the withdrawn funds to restructure their balance sheets and reduce their debt service burden. As a result, households may be in a better position to spend in the years ahead.
Current Issues in Economics and Finance
, Volume 9
, Issue Dec
Journal Article
The burden of debt
Tallman, Ellis W.
, Volume 3
, Issue Q2
, Pages 1
Working Paper
Household portfolios in the United States
Bertaut, Carol C.; Starr-McCluer, Martha
This paper investigates the composition of households' assets and liabilities in the United States. Using aggregate and survey data, we document major trends in household portfolios in the past 15 years. We show that, despite the broad array of financial products available, the portfolio of the typical household remains fairly simple and safe, consisting of a checking account, savings account, and tax-deferred retirement account; in 1998, less than half of all households owned some form of stock. We use pooled data from the Survey of Consumer Finances to investigate determinants of portfolio ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2000-26
Working Paper
Saving and growth under borrowing constraints explaining the \"high saving rate\" puzzle
Wen, Yi
Empirical evidence suggests that fast-growing economies tend to have not only high saving rates but also low interest rates. This evidence is difficult to reconcile with standard explanations about the positive linkages between saving and growth. These explanations rely either on high saving to explain high growth or on high growth to explain high saving; but in either case, they must imply and depend on high interest rates to induce high saving rates. Hence, the real puzzle is why households would save excessively to finance firms? investment when the interest rate on their savings is so ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2009-045
Journal Article
Statement to Congress, April 23, 1991 (S.543, Comprehensive Deposit Insurance Reform and Taxpayer Protection Act of 1991 and S.713, Financial Institutions Safety and Consumer Choice Act of 1991)
Greenspan, Alan
Federal Reserve Bulletin
, Issue Jun
, Pages 430-443
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 133 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 31 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 26 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 23 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 21 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 15 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 15 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 12 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 10 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 9 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 7 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 7 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 1 items
show more (8)
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Federal Reserve Bulletin 87 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 32 items
FRBSF Economic Letter 17 items
Working Papers 15 items
Speech 13 items
Fedgazette 9 items
Economic Review 8 items
New England Economic Review 7 items
Review 7 items
Regional Review 6 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 5 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 5 items
Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole 5 items
Public Policy Discussion Paper 5 items
Staff Reports 5 items
Working Paper Series 5 items
Business Review 4 items
Research Paper 4 items
Research Working Paper 4 items
Working Papers in Banking, Finance and Microeconomics 4 items
Cross Sections 3 items
Current Issues in Economics and Finance 3 items
EconSouth 3 items
Economic Perspectives 3 items
Economics Update 3 items
Liber8 Economic Information Newsletter 3 items
Research Data Report 3 items
The Regional Economist 3 items
Chicago Fed Letter 2 items
Economic Quarterly 2 items
Economic Synopses 2 items
Financial Update 2 items
New England Public Policy Center Working Paper 2 items
Quarterly Review 2 items
Southwest Economy 2 items
Special Studies Papers 2 items
The Region 2 items
Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section 2 items
Banking and Community Perspectives 1 items
Community Investments 1 items
Current Policy Perspectives 1 items
Economic Commentary 1 items
Economic Letter 1 items
Economic Policy Review 1 items
Globalization Institute Working Papers 1 items
Macro Bulletin 1 items
Monograph 1 items
National Economic Trends 1 items
Payments System Research Briefing 1 items
Policy Hub 1 items
Proceedings 1 items
Public Policy Brief 1 items
Research Papers in Banking and Financial Economics 1 items
Staff Report 1 items
Working Paper 1 items
Working Paper Series, Macroeconomic Issues 1 items
e-Perspectives 1 items
show more (52)
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FILTER BY Content Type
Journal Article 183 items
Working Paper 77 items
Report 14 items
Speech 13 items
Discussion Paper 9 items
Conference Paper 6 items
Newsletter 5 items
Briefing 2 items
Monograph 1 items
show more (4)
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anonymous 28 items
Schweiger, Irving 16 items
Kennickell, Arthur B. 12 items
Canner, Glenn B. 10 items
Dudley, William 9 items
Fauver, Clarke L. 9 items
Starr-McCluer, Martha 9 items
Avery, Robert B. 8 items
Elliehausen, Gregory E. 8 items
Frechtling, John 8 items
Holthausen, Duncan McC. 7 items
Fuhrer, Jeffrey C. 6 items
Schuh, Scott 6 items
Stavins, Joanna 6 items
Smith, Tynan 5 items
Wirtz, Ronald A. 5 items
Aizcorbe, Ana M. 4 items
Dynan, Karen E. 4 items
Garner, C. Alan 4 items
Throop, Adrian W. 4 items
Wen, Yi 4 items
Bertaut, Carol C. 3 items
Cooper, Daniel H. 3 items
Doms, Mark 3 items
Glick, Reuven 3 items
Greene, Claire 3 items
La Jeunesse, Elizabeth A. 3 items
Lansing, Kevin J. 3 items
Luckett, Charles A. 3 items
Ludvigson, Sydney 3 items
Tutino, Antonella 3 items
Van der Klaauw, Wilbert 3 items
Agarwal, Sumit 2 items
Borzekowski, Ron 2 items
Bram, Jason 2 items
Burke, William 2 items
Carroll, Christopher D. 2 items
Cole, Allison 2 items
Dudey, Marc 2 items
Durkin, Thomas A. 2 items
Engelhardt, Gary V. 2 items
Forrestal, Robert P. 2 items
Foster, Kevin 2 items
Garrett, Thomas A. 2 items
Greenspan, Alan 2 items
Guidolin, Massimo 2 items
Gustafson, Thomas A. 2 items
Harker, Patrick T. 2 items
Hernandez-Murillo, Ruben 2 items
Johnson, Kathleen W. 2 items
Kiser, Elizabeth K. 2 items
Leeper, Eric M. 2 items
Li, Geng 2 items
Littman, Daniel A. 2 items
Lorie, James 2 items
Morin, Norman J. 2 items
Owyang, Michael T. 2 items
Potter, Simon M. 2 items
Shack-Marquez, Janice 2 items
Sharpe, Steven A. 2 items
Shy, Oz 2 items
Spindt, Paul A. 2 items
Strauss, William A. 2 items
Sunden, Annika E. 2 items
Wang, Xin 2 items
Wang, Zhu 2 items
Wilcox, David W. 2 items
Wolken, John D. 2 items
Wolman, Alexander L. 2 items
Yoo, Peter S. 2 items
Zafar, Basit 2 items
Ahmed, Shaista 1 items
Al-Haschimi, Alex 1 items
Albanesi, Stefania 1 items
Amel, Dean F. 1 items
Antoniewicz, Rochelle L. 1 items
Armantier, Olivier 1 items
Bauer, Paul W. 1 items
Benson, David A. 1 items
Benton, Marques 1 items
Berlin, Mitchell 1 items
Binkley, Paula 1 items
Black, Sandra E. 1 items
Blair, Krista 1 items
Bond, Philip 1 items
Boucher, Norman 1 items
Bradbury, Katharine L. 1 items
Bridgman, Benjamin 1 items
Broda, Christian 1 items
Brown, Meta 1 items
Bullard, James B. 1 items
Bundick, Brent 1 items
Burch, Susan Weller 1 items
Byrge, Joshua A. 1 items
Calem, Paul S. 1 items
Cantor, Richard 1 items
Carten, Margaret 1 items
Case, Karl E. 1 items
Caskey, John P. 1 items
Chari, V. V. 1 items
Chatterjee, Satyajit 1 items
Chetty, Raj 1 items
Christiano, Lawrence J. 1 items
Clement, Douglas 1 items
Corrado, Carol 1 items
Coulibaly, Brahima 1 items
Cox, W. Michael 1 items
Croushore, Dean 1 items
Crowe, Marianne 1 items
Crucini, Mario J. 1 items
Cullison, William E. 1 items
Davidson, Charles 1 items
Davig, Troy A. 1 items
De Nardi, Mariacristina 1 items
Di, Wenhua 1 items
DiCecio, Riccardo 1 items
Dick, Astrid A. 1 items
Dingle, Mona E. 1 items
Dunn, Wendy E. 1 items
Edelberg, Wendy 1 items
Elmendorf, Douglas W. 1 items
Emmons, William R. 1 items
Faust, Jon 1 items
Feigenbaum, James 1 items
Feldstein, Martin 1 items
Fergus, James T. 1 items
Formaini, Robert L. 1 items
French, Eric 1 items
Frieder, Larry A. 1 items
Garver, Cecily C. 1 items
Gascon, Charles S. 1 items
Gelfand, Matthew D. 1 items
Goodman, John L. 1 items
Gorham, Michael 1 items
Graboyes, Robert F. 1 items
Graziani, Grant 1 items
Grunewald, Rob 1 items
Haddix, Maddie 1 items
Haliassos, Michael 1 items
Harris, Ethan S. 1 items
Haughwout, Andrew F. 1 items
Hayashi, Fumiko 1 items
Hickman, James T. 1 items
Hobijn, Bart 1 items
Hryshko, Dmytro 1 items
Huang, Jiaying 1 items
Huang, Kevin X. D. 1 items
Jabaily, Robert 1 items
Johnson, Alfred P. 1 items
Johnson, Robert A. 1 items
Johnston, Verle 1 items
Jossi, Frank 1 items
Kahn, James A. 1 items
Katz, Jane 1 items
Keeley, Michael C. 1 items
Kiley, Michael T. 1 items
Klee, Elizabeth C. 1 items
Knight, Brian 1 items
Koenig, Evan F. 1 items
Korniotis, George M. 1 items
Koulayev, Sergei 1 items
Krane, Spencer D. 1 items
Kroft, Kory 1 items
Kumar, Alok 1 items
Kumar, Anil 1 items
LaWare, John P. 1 items
Laderman, Elizabeth 1 items
Leduc, Sylvain 1 items
Lee, Donghoon 1 items
Lee, Dwight R. 1 items
Liu, Chunlin 1 items
Liu, Yang 1 items
Liu, Zheng 1 items
Looney, Adam 1 items
Ludvigson, Sydney C. 1 items
Luengo-Prado, Maria Jose 1 items
Madden, Tobias 1 items
Maland, Ellen 1 items
Marquis, Milton H. 1 items
Martin, Elliot W. 1 items
Matsusaka, John G. 1 items
Mayer, Christopher J. 1 items
Mazumder, Bhashkar 1 items
McConnell, Margaret M. 1 items
McKenzie, Richard B. 1 items
Mehra, Yash P. 1 items
Meijer, Erik 1 items
Meyer, Stephen A. 1 items
Minehan, Cathy E. 1 items
Moore, Kevin B. 1 items
Morgan, Donald P. 1 items
Mostashari, Shalah M. 1 items
Muellbauer, John N. 1 items
Munley, Michael 1 items
Murdoch, James C. 1 items
Nalewaik, Jeremy J. 1 items
Nelson, Scott 1 items
Nesmith, Travis D. 1 items
O'Brien, Shaun 1 items
Ono, Hiroshi 1 items
Orphanides, Athanasios 1 items
Otoo, Maria Ward 1 items
Ozment, D'Ann M. 1 items
Pavel, Christine A. 1 items
Peach, Richard 1 items
Peek, Joe 1 items
Peterson, Andrew 1 items
Piazzesi, Monika 1 items
Piger, Jeremy M. 1 items
Pozdena, Randall 1 items
Projector, Dorothy S. 1 items
Radecki, Lawrence J. 1 items
Reid, Carolina 1 items
Rosenblum, Harvey 1 items
Ruckdeschel, Frederic Brill 1 items
Ruffin, Roy J. 1 items
Runyon, Herbert 1 items
Sahin, Aysegul 1 items
Sass, Steven A. 1 items
Sbordone, Argia M. 1 items
Schiff, Nathan 1 items
Schneider, Martin 1 items
Schoenberg, Judith K. 1 items
Schreft, Stacey L. 1 items
Schroeder, Frederick J. 1 items
Scott, Francisco 1 items
Sellon, Gordon H. 1 items
Sherrill, Peter 1 items
Shiller, Robert J. 1 items
Shintani, Mototsugu 1 items
Sorensen, Bent E. 1 items
Souleles, Nicholas S. 1 items
Spinozza, Dawn M. 1 items
Sprenger, Charles 1 items
Stango, Victor 1 items
Stanley, Stephen 1 items
Steindel, Charles 1 items
Stern, Gary H. 1 items
Strader, Natalie C. 1 items
Surette, Brian J. 1 items
Tallman, Ellis W. 1 items
Topa, Giorgio 1 items
Townsend, Robert M. 1 items
Twichell, James B. 1 items
Vega, Clara 1 items
Vermann, E. Katarina 1 items
Wall, Howard J. 1 items
Walsh, Joan 1 items
Walster, Scott 1 items
Wascher, William L. 1 items
Weiler, Emanuel T. 1 items
Weinstein, David E. 1 items
Weiss, Gertrude S. 1 items
Werkema, Joel 1 items
Wilcox, James A. 1 items
Woolley, Michael J. 1 items
Xu, William 1 items
Yellen, Janet L. 1 items
Zabek, Mike 1 items
Zavodny, Madeline 1 items
Zervos, David 1 items
Zhu, Qi 1 items
Zinman, Jonathan 1 items
show more (258)
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
FILTER BY Keywords
Consumer behavior 310 items
Consumer credit 56 items
Consumer surveys 50 items
Consumption (Economics) 48 items
Saving and investment 39 items
Credit cards 17 items
Households - Economic aspects 15 items
Housing - Prices 15 items
Monetary policy 13 items
Payment systems 13 items
Economic conditions 11 items
Inflation (Finance) 11 items
Housing 10 items
Mortgages 10 items
Income 9 items
Consumers 8 items
Business cycles 7 items
Employment 7 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 7 items
Interest rates 7 items
Recessions 7 items
Wealth 7 items
Federal Reserve District, 2nd 6 items
Federal Reserve System 6 items
Income distribution 6 items
Credit 6 items
Checks 5 items
Debt 5 items
Federal Open Market Committee 5 items
Federal Reserve District, 9th 5 items
Financial crises 5 items
Forecasting 5 items
Liquidity (Economics) 5 items
Universities and colleges 5 items
Unemployment 5 items
Automobile industry and trade 4 items
Debit cards 4 items
Economic indicators 4 items
Electronic funds transfers 4 items
Fiscal policy 4 items
Gross domestic product 4 items
Households - Finance 4 items
Housing - Finance 4 items
Productivity 4 items
Payments 4 items
Bank deposits 3 items
Checking accounts 3 items
Demography 3 items
Deposit insurance 3 items
Gambling industry 3 items
Internet 3 items
Labor market 3 items
Mortgage loans 3 items
Prices 3 items
Stock market 3 items
Survey of Consumer Payment Choice 3 items
Wages 3 items
Money 3 items
consumer payment choice 3 items
Bank loans 2 items
Banking market 2 items
Banking structure 2 items
Bonds - Prices 2 items
Business enterprises 2 items
China 2 items
Commercial products 2 items
Competition 2 items
Consumers' preferences 2 items
Econometric models 2 items
Economic conditions - China 2 items
Economic surveys 2 items
Education 2 items
Electronic commerce 2 items
Expenditures, Public 2 items
Finance, Personal 2 items
Financial literacy 2 items
Flow of funds 2 items
Greenspan, Alan 2 items
Home equity loans 2 items
Imports 2 items
International trade 2 items
Population 2 items
Price indexes 2 items
Production (Economic theory) 2 items
Taxation 2 items
Year 2000 date conversion (Computer systems) 2 items
consumer preferences 2 items
economic conditions - United States 2 items
financial inclusion 2 items
Cash 2 items
Unbanked 2 items
Automated tellers 1 items
Automobile industry and trade - Finance 1 items
Automobiles - Prices 1 items
Balance of trade - China 1 items
Bank competition 1 items
Bank management 1 items
Bankruptcy 1 items
Banks and banking 1 items
Banks and banking - Customer services 1 items
Banks and banking, American 1 items
Banks and banking, Central 1 items
Beef cattle 1 items
Bernanke, Ben S. 1 items
Boycotts 1 items
Budget 1 items
COVID-19 1 items
Cash transactions 1 items
Chicago (Ill.) 1 items
Construction industry 1 items
Consumer goods 1 items
Consumer price indexes 1 items
Cost and standard of living 1 items
Coupons (Retail trade) 1 items
Debt management 1 items
Diary of Consumer Payment Choice 1 items
Economic conditions - Middle West 1 items
Economic forecasting 1 items
Economic growth 1 items
Elasticity (Economics) 1 items
Exports 1 items
Federal Reserve banks 1 items
Financial leverage 1 items
Financial markets 1 items
Financial services industry 1 items
Food industry and trade 1 items
Foreclosure 1 items
Global financial crisis 1 items
Government spending policy 1 items
Government-sponsored enterprises 1 items
Gross national product 1 items
Household finance 1 items
Households 1 items
Human capital 1 items
Income tax 1 items
Information theory 1 items
Insurance 1 items
Inventories 1 items
Laware, John Patrick 1 items
Manufacturing industries 1 items
Markets 1 items
Microeconomics 1 items
Money demand 1 items
Money market 1 items
Oligopolies 1 items
Overdrafts 1 items
Payment choice 1 items
Pensions 1 items
Pharmaceutical industry 1 items
Portfolio management 1 items
Public welfare 1 items
Purchasing power 1 items
Recreation 1 items
Regional economics 1 items
Rental housing 1 items
Repurchase agreements 1 items
Retail trade 1 items
Retirement 1 items
Risk 1 items
Seasonal variations (Economics) 1 items
Stock - Prices 1 items
Stocks 1 items
Supply and demand 1 items
Taylor's rule 1 items
Terrorism 1 items
U.S. currency in circulation 1 items
adjustable-rate mortgages 1 items
agriculture 1 items
college costs 1 items
diversity 1 items
household income 1 items
older people 1 items
payment pause 1 items
prediction 1 items
random utility analysis 1 items
small business finance 1 items
student loans 1 items
unbanked consumers 1 items
underbanked 1 items
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