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OLS Limit Theory for Drifting Sequences of Parameters on the Explosive Side of Unity
A limit theory is developed for the least squares estimator for mildly and purely explosive autoregressions under drifting sequences of parameters with autoregressive roots ρn satisfyingρn → ρ ∈ (—∞, —1] ∪ [1, ∞) and n (|ρn| —1) → ∞.Drifting sequences of innovations and initial conditions are also considered. A standard specification of a short memory linear process for the autoregressive innovations is extended to a triangular array formulation both for the deterministic weights and for the primitive innovations of the linear process, which are allowed to be ...
Working Paper
A staggered pricing approach to modeling speculative storage: implications for commodity price dynamics
This paper embeds a staggered price feature into the standard speculative storage model of Deaton and Laroque (1996). Intermediate goods inventory speculators are added as an additional source of intertemporal linkage, which helps us to replicate the stylized facts of the observed commodity price dynamics. Incorporating this type of friction into the model is motivated by its ability to increase price stickiness which, gives rise to a higher degree of persistence in the first two conditional moments of commodity prices. The structural parameters of our model are estimated by the simulated ...