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Keywords:community college 

Discussion Paper
New Insights on Dual Enrollment Students From the Survey of Community College Outcomes

Dual enrollment programs exist for high school students to take college-level coursework, earn college credit, and sometimes even a credential or degree, prior to graduating high school. These programs are different from other alternatives such as Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB). First, dual enrollment is offered through a higher education institution, such as a community college. Second, these students receive college credit for a course if they receive a certain grade. AP and IB courses can lead to college credit, but only if the student gets a passing grade on ...
Regional Matters

Creating a Vibrant, Inclusive Economy: Remarks at the Community College of Rhode Island

First, I want to highlight why I wanted to prioritize speaking at a community college like CCRI; and why community colleges, and all of you engaged with them, are so important to our economy and society. Then, I’ll talk briefly about the range of things we do at the Federal Reserve, to advance our mission. And finally, I’ll share some of the lessons I’ve learned from my own career path, in case my experiences may be helpful to you.

Discussion Paper
Non-Credit Workforce Programs at Community Colleges

Community colleges differ from four-year institutions in key ways, including how programs are distributed across credit and non-credit academic divisions. While nearly all enrolled students at four-year institutions are in for-credit programs, community college students are much more likely to be in non-credit programs, which are shorter in term and typically focus on skills and credentials that are tied to specific occupations.A growing number of community college students are enrolled in non-credit programs across the Fifth District, but traditional data sources do not capture information ...
Regional Matters

Creating An Economy That Works for All: Remarks at the Bunker Hill Community College 2023 Convocation

To build a vibrant, inclusive economy, we need the best ideas, energy, and participation from everyone. Community colleges play a critical role in this important work by providing affordable, accessible higher education and essential skill development – ultimately strengthening our economy and society.



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