Search Results
Working Paper
Community Bank Performance: How Important are Managers?
Prager, Robin A.; Amel, Dean F.
Community banks have long played an important role in the U.S. economy, providing loans and other financial services to households and small businesses within their local markets. In recent years, technological and legal developments, as well as changes in the business strategies of larger banks and non-bank financial service providers, have purportedly made it more difficult for community banks to attract and retain customers, and hence to survive. Indeed, the number of community banks and the shares of bank branches, deposits, banking assets, and small business loans held by community banks ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2014-26
Journal Article
Minority-Owned Banks and Their Primary Local Market Areas
Toussaint-Comeau, Maude; Newberger, Robin G.
In this article, we analyze the experience and performance of MDIs in their primary local service areas in recent periods, including before, during, and after the 2008 financial crisis. We provide a review of the sector, highlighting key policies and initiatives pertaining to and affecting these institutions, and provide a brief review of previous research. We document trends in the sector, including: 1) the characteristics of the locations where MDIs tend to do business; 2) the changing landscape of MDIs in terms of openings, closings, and mergers by ethnic ownership; and 3) the performance ...
Economic Perspectives
, Issue 4
, Pages 1-31
Journal Article
Banks building markets by building communities
Office, Community Affairs
Banks, their customers and the local community share the long-term benefits of meaningful community investments.
Banking and Community Perspectives
, Issue 1
, Pages 3-8
A risk-management perspective on recent regulatory proposals: a speech at the America’s Community Bankers Risk Management and Finance Forum, Naples, Florida, April 10, 2006
Bies, Susan Schmidt
, Paper 187
Challenges of conducting effective risk management in community banks: a speech at the Western Independent Bankers Annual CFO & Risk Management Conference, Coronado, California, June 6, 2006
Bies, Susan Schmidt
, Paper 211
Journal Article
How Small Banks Deal with Large Shocks
Cortes, Kristle Romero
After a natural disaster such as a hurricane, tornado, or flood, banks in the affected area experience a sharp rise in the demand for loans as property owners look to repair the damage. Recent research has focused on such events to study how small community banks adjust their typical way of doing business to respond to large shocks. The research finds that banks strategically adjust their business in three ways to meet the increased demand for capital. Two adjustments increase the funds available for lending, while one shifts lending from areas unaffected by the disaster to the affected area, ...
Economic Commentary
, Issue May
Journal Article
Survey of community banks in the Tenth Federal Reserve District (survey responses)
Complete survey with statistical summaries of responses
Financial Industry Perspectives
Journal Article
Atlanta Fed hosts credit conference for community bank directors
Financial Update
, Volume 18
, Issue Q 2
Journal Article
The challenges facing community banks: in their own words
Duffy, Denise; DeYoung, Robert
Ten years of deregulation, new technology, and increase competition have made the U.S. banking industry a less hospital place for many community banks. But the consensus view among ten community bankers recently surveyed by the Federal Reserve is that rapid industry change has provided opportunities as well as threats, and that well-managed, innovative community banks will be able to profitably coexist with large multi-state banks in the future.
Economic Perspectives
, Volume 26
, Issue Q IV
, Pages 2-17
Conference Paper
The impact of CRA agreements on community banks
Robinson, Breck L.; Bostic, Raphael W.
, Paper 916
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 22 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 18 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 16 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 15 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 7 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 7 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 5 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 1 items
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Speech 15 items
Central Banker 8 items
Chicago Fed Letter 6 items
Economic Review 6 items
Financial Industry Perspectives 6 items
Profitwise 6 items
Supervisory Policy Analysis Working Papers 6 items
Conference Series ; [Proceedings] 4 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 4 items
Financial Update 4 items
On the Economy 4 items
Working Papers 4 items
Economic Perspectives 3 items
Southwest Economy 3 items
TEN 3 items
The Regional Economist 3 items
FRBSF Economic Letter 2 items
Fedgazette 2 items
Proceedings 2 items
Annual Report 1 items
Banking and Community Perspectives 1 items
Econ Focus 1 items
EconSouth 1 items
Economic Bulletin 1 items
Economic Commentary 1 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 1 items
New England Public Policy Center Regional Brief 1 items
Public Policy Brief 1 items
Review 1 items
Speeches and Essays 1 items
The Region 1 items
Working Paper Series 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Journal Article 53 items
Speech 16 items
Working Paper 16 items
Conference Paper 6 items
Newsletter 6 items
Briefing 2 items
Report 1 items
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anonymous 9 items
Yeager, Timothy J. 6 items
Corner, Gary S. 5 items
Jagtiani, Julapa 5 items
Meyer, Andrew P. 5 items
DeYoung, Robert 4 items
Gilbert, R. Alton 4 items
Newberger, Robin G. 4 items
White, Carl 4 items
Bernanke, Ben S. 3 items
Bies, Susan Schmidt 3 items
Kennedy, Pamela 3 items
Myers, Forest 3 items
Amel, Dean F. 2 items
Berger, Allen N. 2 items
Duke, Elizabeth A. 2 items
Fettig, David 2 items
Fisher, Richard W. 2 items
Fuchs, James W. 2 items
Hoenig, Thomas M. 2 items
Kawa, Mark H. 2 items
Kroszner, Randall S. 2 items
Lemieux, Catharine 2 items
Maingi, Ramain Quinn 2 items
Prager, Robin A. 2 items
Robbins, Eric 2 items
Sierra, Gregory E. 2 items
Simpson, E. Philip 2 items
Spong, Kenneth 2 items
Vaughan, Mark D. 2 items
Wang, J. Christina 2 items
Yellen, Janet L. 2 items
Ahern, Mark 1 items
Beiseitov, Eldar 1 items
Berlowe, Aaron 1 items
Bonham, Jeff 1 items
Bostic, Raphael W. 1 items
Campbell, Doug 1 items
Cortes, Kristle Romero 1 items
Cowan, Adrian M. 1 items
Curtis-Wittenberg, Paul 1 items
Dollen, Jennifer 1 items
Duffy, Denise 1 items
Dunbar, Seth 1 items
Emmons, William R. 1 items
Ewing, Elizabeth 1 items
Ferrari, Joe 1 items
Frame, W. Scott 1 items
Frost, Jane 1 items
Furlong, Frederick T. 1 items
Gallagher, Mari 1 items
George, Taz 1 items
Gubo, Daigo 1 items
Hanauer, Matt 1 items
Hanson, Whitney 1 items
Harvey, James 1 items
Hasan, Iftekhar 1 items
Hein, Scott E. 1 items
Holod, Dmytro 1 items
Hunter, William C. 1 items
Jacewitz, Stefan 1 items
Jefferies, Robert 1 items
Jeon, Jihye 1 items
Jordan, Paul 1 items
Kahn, George A. 1 items
Kalkunte, Prithvi 1 items
Keeton, William R. 1 items
Keller, Jason 1 items
Klapper, Leora 1 items
Klemme, Kelly 1 items
Koch, Timothy W. 1 items
Kotliar, Ian 1 items
Krainer, John 1 items
Kwan, Simon H. 1 items
Lytle, Brent 1 items
MacDonald, Steven Scott 1 items
Mach, Traci L. 1 items
Mark, William 1 items
Markovich, Courtney 1 items
Marsh, W. Blake 1 items
Mester, Loretta J. 1 items
Millerick, Robert 1 items
Montoriol-Garriga, Judit 1 items
Narain, Saurabh 1 items
O'Dell, Mark 1 items
Office, Community Affairs 1 items
Olson, Mark W. 1 items
Padget, Jane 1 items
Pearson, Kelly 1 items
Peek, Joe 1 items
Perry, Wade 1 items
Raskin, Sarah Bloom 1 items
Rensink, Gregory 1 items
Robinson, Breck L. 1 items
Rogers, Laura Duhamel 1 items
Rolnick, Arthur J. 1 items
Schroeder, Linda 1 items
Sharma, Padma 1 items
Stackhouse, Julie L. 1 items
Steeves, Brye 1 items
Stern, Gary H. 1 items
Summers, Chris 1 items
Swiatek, Jessica 1 items
Tarullo, Daniel K. 1 items
Torna, Gökhan 1 items
Toussaint-Comeau, Maude 1 items
Triest, Robert K. 1 items
Udell, Gregory F. 1 items
Van Walleghem, Joe 1 items
VanBever, Steven 1 items
Verbeke, Scott 1 items
Weiner, Stuart E. 1 items
Whitney, Lea 1 items
Wirtz, Ronald A. 1 items
Wolken, John D. 1 items
Yousuf, Mariam 1 items
Ziadeh, Stephanie 1 items
show more (112)
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
FILTER BY Keywords
Community banks 104 items
Bank supervision 8 items
Banks and banking 6 items
Federal Reserve District, 10th 5 items
Bank mergers 5 items
financial crisis 5 items
small business lending 5 items
Bank management 4 items
Financial crises 3 items
Regional economics 3 items
Risk management 3 items
regulation 3 items
small business finance 3 items
Bank loans 2 items
Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 2 items
Economic forecasting - United States 2 items
Financial Regulatory Reform (Dodd-Frank Act) 2 items
Rural areas 2 items
Technology - Economic aspects 2 items
cybersecurity 2 items
economic conditions - United States 2 items
minority-owned banks 2 items
small business 2 items
Banking 2 items
African-American 1 items
Bank capital - Law and legislation 1 items
Bank directors 1 items
Banking law 1 items
Basel capital accord 1 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) - Members 1 items
Branch banks 1 items
COVID-19 1 items
Chicago 1 items
Commercial loans 1 items
Community 1 items
Community Banking 1 items
Community development 1 items
Community development corporations 1 items
Consumer credit 1 items
Corporate governance 1 items
Credit 1 items
Credit ratings 1 items
Deposit insurance 1 items
Disasters 1 items
Economic 1 items
Economic conditions 1 items
Economic development 1 items
Education - Economic aspects 1 items
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 1 items
Federal Reserve District, 11th 1 items
Federal Reserve District, 5th 1 items
Federal Reserve District, 7th 1 items
Federal Reserve District, 9th 1 items
Federal Reserve System 1 items
Financial institutions 1 items
Financial system 1 items
Immigrants 1 items
Interest 1 items
Interest rates 1 items
International finance 1 items
Large and small banks 1 items
Lending 1 items
Lending technology 1 items
Markets 1 items
Medical care 1 items
NHS (Neighborhood Housing Services) 1 items
New England 1 items
Online lending 1 items
Paycheck Protection Program 1 items
Payment systems 1 items
Regulation BB: Community Reinvestment 1 items
Risk 1 items
Rural development 1 items
Shadow banking 1 items
Subprime mortgage 1 items
Technology 1 items
Texas 1 items
accounting standards 1 items
bank profitability 1 items
bank value 1 items
commercial and industrial (C&I) lending 1 items
commercial real estate (CRE) loans 1 items
financial regulations 1 items
fintech 1 items
government stimulus 1 items
management quality 1 items
monetary policy 1 items
nonbank lenders 1 items
relationship lending 1 items
resilience 1 items
small business credit 1 items
small business credit access 1 items
stress tests 1 items
supervision 1 items
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