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Keywords:communications OR Communications 

Acknowledging Uncertainty, 10-07-2016; Shadow Open Market Committee Fall Meeting, New York, NY

I would like to share my perspective as someone who has participated in some of those policy decisions. I will comment on how I approach monetary policymaking in an uncertain world, review the types of uncertainty policymakers and economists need to deal with, and provide some recommendations for improving monetary policy communications. Of course, the views I?ll present today are my own and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve System or my colleagues on the Federal Open Market Committee.
Speech , Paper 77

A Monetary Policymaker’s Lexicon at Market News International, New York, NY

Thank you for the invitation to present some remarks and to participate in what I am sure will be an interesting question and answer session to follow. I say ?interesting? because over the 18 months in which I?ve served as president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, I find that whenever I present remarks, I learn a lot from the questions posed by the audience ? most likely, more than they learn from me. I view the exchange of ideas with the public as one of a Fed president?s duties, but it has also turned out to be one of its pleasures. Another pleasure of mine is serving on the ...
Speech , Paper 67

Working Paper
Communicating Monetary Policy Rules

Despite the ubiquity of inflation targeting, central banks communicate their frameworks in a variety of ways. No central bank explicitly expresses their conduct via a policy rule, which contrasts with models of policy. Central banks often connect theory with their practice by publishing inflation forecasts that can, in principle, implicitly convey their reaction function. We return to this central idea to show how a central bank can achieve the gains of a rule-based policy without publicly stating a specific rule. The approach requires central banks to specify an inflation target, inflation ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2021-12

Policy efficiency in supervision: remarks at Bank Regulation, Lending and Growth, The Bank Policy Institute and Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, New York City

Remarks at Bank Regulation, Lending and Growth, The Bank Policy Institute and Columbia University?s School of International and Public Affairs, New York City.
Speech , Paper 309

Global Issues, Global Implications

Remarks at the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP) Centenary Conference (delivered via videoconference).

Working Paper
Average Inflation Targeting and Household Expectations

Using a daily survey of U.S. households, we study how the Federal Reserve’s announcement of its new strategy of average inflation targeting affected households’ expectations. Starting with the day of the announcement, there is a very small uptick in the minority of households reporting that they had heard news about monetary policy relative to prior to the announcement, but this effect fades within a few days. Those hearing news about the announcement do not seem to have understood the announcement: they are no more likely to correctly identify the Fed’s new strategy than others, nor ...
Working Papers , Paper 20-26R

Transitions: The Economy, Monetary Policy, and Policy Communications; 02.19.19, Lyons Companies and the Center for Economic Education and Entrepreneurship, Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics, University of Delaware, Newark, DE

If I had to choose a banner headline, I would characterize 2019 as a year of transitions, for the economy, for monetary policy, and for how we communicate about policy. I would like to spend my time this morning on some of the factors affecting these transitions. The views I?ll present today are my own and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve System or my colleagues on the Federal Open Market Committee.
Speech , Paper 106

Diversity and Inclusion: We Are Not Where We Need to Be: remarks at OPEN Finance Forum, New York City

Remarks at OPEN Finance Forum, New York City.
Speech , Paper 324

Working Paper
Average Inflation Targeting and Household Expectations

Using a daily survey of U.S. households, we study how the Federal Reserve’s announcement of its new strategy of average inflation targeting affected households’ expectations. Starting with the day of the announcement, there is a very small uptick in the minority of households reporting that they had heard news about monetary policy relative to prior to the announcement, but this effect fades within a few days. Those hearing news about the announcement do not seem to have understood the announcement: they are no more likely to correctly identify the Fed’s new strategy than others, nor ...
Working Papers , Paper 20-26

Journal Article
Information and Communications Technology Spending and City Size

Firms in big cities are spending more on information and communications technology than firms in small cities, a likely cause of the growing economic divide between big and small U.S. cities.
Economic Synopses , Issue 7 , Pages 1-2



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