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Keywords:college costs 

Journal Article
College financial aid in troubled times

An economist and member of The College Board calls for streamlining the financial aid system to help lower-income families make an investment that is critical to their children?s future.
Communities and Banking , Issue Fall , Pages 12-14

Journal Article
Stop paying more for less: ways to boost productivity in higher education

College tuition has increased dramatically over the past decade, yet few think the quality of graduates has kept up. Decentralizing the administration and privatizing such things as housing and food service would boost productivity, as would ditching tenure and improving teaching.
The Regional Economist , Issue Jan , Pages 4-9

Merit Aid, Student Mobility, and the Role of College Selectivity

In this paper, we investigate the role of college selectivity in college choice decisions (both in-state and out-of-state) of freshmen students following Georgia's HOPE scholarship program. How did HOPE affect the selectivity of colleges attended by Georgia's freshmen students? Did it induce Georgia's freshmen students who would have otherwise attended more selective out-of-state colleges to instead attend less selective in-state ones? Or was there movement to more selective ones, both in-state and out-of-state? Using student residency and enrollment data from IPEDS and selectivity data from ...
Staff Reports , Paper 641

Journal Article
Moving beyond the 13th grade

Two-year colleges still battle an inferiority complex, despite strong enrollment growth and relevance in today's economy.
Fedgazette , Volume 16 , Issue Jul , Pages 1-2, 4

The incentive effects of higher education subsidies on student effort

This paper uses a game-theoretic model to analyze the disincentive effects of low-tuition policies on student effort. The model of parent and student responses to tuition subsidies is then calibrated using information from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 and the High School and Beyond Sophomore Cohort: 1980-92. I find that although subsidizing tuition increases enrollment rates, it reduces student effort. This follows from the fact that a high-subsidy, low-tuition policy causes an increase in the percentage of less able and less highly motivated college graduates. ...
Staff Reports , Paper 192

Journal Article
A ticket to the middle class: working off college debt

A proposed program?in which each year of paid public service would cancel one year of college expense?could lift the burden of debt from graduates while supplying capable workers to municipalities and nonprofits.
Communities and Banking , Issue Win , Pages 6-9

Journal Article
Childhood savings and college success

As the cost of postsecondary education continues to rise, many families, especially low-income families, are concerned about their ability to pay. A variety of initiatives are making it easier to start saving early.
Communities and Banking , Issue Summer , Pages 22-25

Working Paper
Imperfect information, self-selection and the market for higher education

This paper explores how the steady trends in increasing tuition costs, college enrollment, and the college wage gap might be related to the quality of college graduates. The model shows that the signaling role of education might be an important yet largely neglected ingredient in these recent changes. I develop a special signaling model in which workers of heterogeneous abilities face the same costs, yet a larger proportion of able individuals self-select to attend college since they are more likely to get higher returns. With imperfect information, the skill premium is an outcome which ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2007-18

Journal Article
The business of higher ed : prices and costs of a college education

Related link(s):
Econ Focus , Volume 13 , Issue Fall , Pages 20-22

Working Paper
A general equilibrium theory of college with education subsidies, in-school labor supply, and borrowing constraints

This paper analyzes the effectiveness of three different types of education policies: tuition subsidies (broad based, merit based, and flat tuition), grant subsidies (broad based and merit based), and loan limit restrictions. We develop a quantitative theory of college within the context of general equilibrium overlapping generations economy. College is modeled as a multi-period risky investment with endogenous enrollment, time-to-degree, and dropout behavior. Tuition costs can be financed using federal grants, student loans, and working while at college. We show that our model accounts for ...
Working Papers , Paper 2007-051



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