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Keywords:census OR Census 

Journal Article
Boomers, babies and bye-bye Bobby: shifting age composition more than just young folks leaving

Fedgazette , Volume 14 , Issue Sep , Pages 2-3

Discussion Paper
Rural Households Hit Hardest by Inflation in 2021-22

To conclude our series, we present disparities in inflation rates by U.S. census region and rural status between June 2019 and the present. Notably, rural households were hit by inflation the hardest during the 2021-22 inflationary episode. This is intuitive, as rural households rely on transportation, and especially on motor fuel, to a much greater extent than urban households do. More generally, the recent rise in inflation has affected households in the South more than the national average, and households in the Northeast by less than the national average, though this difference has ...
Liberty Street Economics , Paper 20230118c

A Tale of Two Business Cycles during the Pandemic

A Census household survey and BEA data on personal income paint different pictures of the U.S. economy.
On the Economy

Journal Article
Census recap: population trends all over the district map

Fedgazette , Volume 14 , Issue Sep , Pages 8-9

Discussion Paper
2020 Census: A Look at the Fifth District

Regional Matters

Journal Article
The homeownership gap

Recent years have seen a sharp rise in the number of negative equity homeowners--those who owe more on their mortgages than their houses are worth. These homeowners are included in the official homeownership rate computed by the Census Bureau, but the savings they must amass to retain their home or purchase a new home are daunting. Recognizing that these homeowners are likely to convert to renters over time, the authors of this analysis calculate an "effective" rate of homeownership that excludes negative equity households. They argue that the effective rate--5.6 percentage points below ...
Current Issues in Economics and Finance , Volume 16 , Issue May

Journal Article
Counting the poor

FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
Stand by your county, man

Fedgazette , Volume 14 , Issue Sep , Pages 10-11

Journal Article

FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
Upfront: New from the Richmond Fed's Regional Matters blog

New from the Richmond Fed’s Regional Matters blog
Econ Focus , Issue 1Q , Pages 2


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