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Keywords:cash flows OR Cash flows 

Working Paper
Foreign economic policy uncertainty and U.S. equity returns

We document that foreign economic policy uncertainty (EPUF) has significant incremental predictive power for excess U.S. stock returns in the presence of domestic EPU, both in aggregate and for returns of portfolios constructed on firm characteristics, for 6 to 12-months-ahead horizons. We find that EPUF shocks primarily transmit to equity prices through cash flow news rather than the discount rate news channel. We examine whether responses of select macro-financial variables to an adverse EPUF shock are consistent with this transmission mechanism. Corporate investment outlays, payouts, and ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 1401

Working Paper
Integrated household surveys: an assessment of U.S. methods and an innovation

We present a vision for improving household financial surveys by integrating responses from questionnaires more completely with financial statements and combining them with payments data from diaries. Integrated household financial accounts?-balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows?-are used to assess the degree of integration in leading U.S. household surveys, focusing on inconsistencies in measures of the change in cash. Diaries of consumer payment choice can improve dynamic integration. Using payments data, we construct a statement of liquidity flows: a detailed ...
Working Papers , Paper 17-7


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