Search Results
Journal Article
Increase in net transaction accounts to which a 3 percent reserve requirement applies
Federal Reserve Bulletin
, Issue Jan
Journal Article
Do excess reserves reveal credit crunches?
Haubrich, Joseph G.
The author finds that because the level of excess reserves depends directly on the Federal Reserve's monetary policy stance, this measure is generally a poor indicator of credit availability.
Economic Commentary
, Issue Jul
Journal Article
Ending the lag
Motley, Brian; Judd, John P.
FRBSF Economic Letter
Journal Article
Revision of the monetary base
Rasche, Robert H.; Burger, Albert E.
, Volume 59
, Issue Jul
, Pages 13-28
Journal Article
Reduction in reserve requirements on nonpersonal time deposits and net Eurocurrency liabilities
Federal Reserve Bulletin
, Issue Feb
, Pages 95-96
Journal Article
New seasonal factors for the adjusted monetary base
Gilbert, R. Alton
, Volume 67
, Issue Dec
, Pages 29-33
Journal Article
When should the FDIC act like a private insurance company? When it comes to pricing, not reserves
Feldman, Ron J.
The Region
, Volume 12
, Issue Sep
, Pages 43-48
Journal Article
Is the Fed being swept out of (monetary) control?
Wrase, Jeffrey M.
What are "reserves," and why do banks hold them? What are "sweep accounts," and how do they work? What?s the relationship between the two? And what?s the Fed?s role in all of this? In this article, Jeff Wrase considers the effect sweep accounts have had on the market for bank reserves and on the Fed?s job of managing reserves in the banking system. He also looks at changes the Federal Reserve has made to keep the federal funds rate from becoming too volatile as the use of sweep accounts spreads
Business Review
, Issue Nov
, Pages 3-12
Journal Article
Should we reduce the role of banks in the monetary policy process?
Boschen, John F.
The traditional view of banks in the monetary and price level control process is based on banks being producers of money in the form of deposits. Some economists have recently argued, however, that growth of bank deposits has no affect on price level stability. They say that the role of banks in the monetary policy process could be reduced with no adverse effect on price level stability, principally by removing reserve requirements.
Economic Review
, Volume 73
, Issue Feb
, Pages 18-28
Journal Article
Narrow banking meets the Diamond-Dybvig model
Wallace, Neil
A version of the Diamond-Dybvig model of banking is used to evaluate the narrow banking proposal, the idea that banks should be required to back demand deposits entirely by safe short-term assets. It is shown that the mere existence of an amount of safe short-term assets outside the banking system that exceeds banking system liabilities does not make the proposal either innocuous or desirable. In fact, despite such existence, using narrow banking to cope with banking system illiquidity eliminates the role of the banking system.
Quarterly Review
, Volume 20
, Issue Win
, Pages 3-13
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 79 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 41 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 37 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 23 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 11 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 10 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 9 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 8 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 7 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 6 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 6 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 1 items
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Federal Reserve Bulletin 63 items
Review 29 items
Working Papers 19 items
FRBSF Economic Letter 13 items
Economic Review 10 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 9 items
Staff Reports 9 items
Economic Policy Review 8 items
Speech 8 items
Economic Commentary 5 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 5 items
Proceedings 5 items
Quarterly Review 5 items
Working Paper 5 items
Current Issues in Economics and Finance 4 items
Economic and Financial Policy Review 4 items
Research Paper 4 items
Financial Update 3 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 3 items
Working Papers (Old Series) 3 items
Business Review 2 items
Chicago Fed Letter 2 items
Economic Bulletin 2 items
Economic Synopses 2 items
Monetary Trends 2 items
Working Paper Series 2 items
Working Paper Series, Macroeconomic Issues 2 items
Working Papers in Applied Economic Theory 2 items
Annual Report 1 items
Econ Focus 1 items
Monograph 1 items
On the Economy 1 items
Pacific Basin Working Paper Series 1 items
Research Papers in Banking and Financial Economics 1 items
Research Working Paper 1 items
Special Studies Papers 1 items
The Region 1 items
Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Journal Article 154 items
Working Paper 53 items
Report 14 items
Speech 8 items
Conference Paper 5 items
Discussion Paper 2 items
Newsletter 2 items
Monograph 1 items
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anonymous 57 items
Gilbert, R. Alton 10 items
McAndrews, James J. 9 items
Anderson, Richard G. 8 items
Haslag, Joseph H. 8 items
Rasche, Robert H. 7 items
Martin, Antoine 6 items
Meyer, Laurence H. 5 items
Burger, Albert E. 4 items
Dudley, William 4 items
Espinosa-Vega, Marco A. 4 items
Hein, Scott E. 4 items
Judd, John P. 4 items
Thornton, Daniel L. 4 items
Burke, William 3 items
Demiralp, Selva 3 items
Goodfriend, Marvin 3 items
Keister, Todd 3 items
Meulendyke, Ann-Marie 3 items
Motley, Brian 3 items
Roberds, William 3 items
Russell, Steven 3 items
Skeie, David R. 3 items
Spiegel, Mark M. 3 items
Stevens, Edward J. 3 items
Weiner, Stuart E. 3 items
Wenninger, John 3 items
Baxter, Thomas C. 2 items
Bennett, Paul 2 items
Clouse, James A. 2 items
Contessi, Silvio 2 items
Freeman, Scott 2 items
Gavin, William T. 2 items
Hilton, R. Spence 2 items
Huh, Chan Guk 2 items
Keeley, Michael C. 2 items
Loungani, Prakash 2 items
Lown, Cara S. 2 items
Marsh, W. Blake 2 items
Peristiani, Stavros 2 items
Rush, Mark 2 items
Sellon, Gordon H. 2 items
Sengupta, Rajdeep 2 items
VanHoose, David D. 2 items
Wheelock, David C. 2 items
Whitesell, William C. 2 items
Afonso, Gara 1 items
Aizenman, Joshua 1 items
Allen, Donald S. 1 items
Andersen, Leonall C. 1 items
Anderson, Gary S. 1 items
Armenter, Roc 1 items
Artuc, Erhan 1 items
Ashcraft, Adam B. 1 items
Avery, Robert B. 1 items
Baer, Herbert L. 1 items
Bagshaw, Michael L. 1 items
Balbach, Anatol 1 items
Bartolini, Leonardo 1 items
Bech, Morten L. 1 items
Bernanke, Ben S. 1 items
Bertola, Giuseppe 1 items
Bhattacharya, Joydeep 1 items
Bisignano, Joseph 1 items
Boschen, John F. 1 items
Bowman, David 1 items
Brunner, Allan D. 1 items
Caballero, Ricardo J. 1 items
Calomiris, Charles W. 1 items
Camilli, Kathleen M. 1 items
Carlstrom, Charles T. 1 items
Carpenter, Seth B. 1 items
Cecchetti, Stephen G. 1 items
Chang, Su-Hsin 1 items
Chien, YiLi 1 items
Cohen, Gerald D. 1 items
Covas, Francisco 1 items
Curdia, Vasco 1 items
Davidson, Philip H. 1 items
Disyatat, Piti 1 items
Dotsey, Michael 1 items
Dueker, Michael J. 1 items
Dumitru, Diana 1 items
Eckert, James B. 1 items
Elmendorf, Douglas W. 1 items
Emery, Kelly 1 items
Evanoff, Douglas D. 1 items
Farley, Dennis 1 items
Feinman, Joshua N. 1 items
Feldman, Ron J. 1 items
Francis, Johanna L. 1 items
Fuerst, Timothy S. 1 items
Fujita, Shigeru 1 items
Furfine, Craig H. 1 items
Furlong, Frederick T. 1 items
Gagnon, Etienne 1 items
Glick, Reuven 1 items
Goldberg, Linda S. 1 items
Goldenweiser, E. A. 1 items
Gonzalez, Greg 1 items
Grammatikos, Theoharry 1 items
Greenspan, Alan 1 items
Guzman, Mark G. 1 items
Hamdani, Kausar 1 items
Hamilton, James D. 1 items
Hargraves, Monica 1 items
Harrington, Mary Jane 1 items
Haubrich, Joseph G. 1 items
Higgins, Matthew 1 items
Hrung, Warren B. 1 items
Hull, Cindy E. 1 items
Johnston, Robert 1 items
Jordan, Jerry L. 1 items
Judson, Ruth 1 items
Karamouzis, Nicholas V. 1 items
Kashyap, Anil K. 1 items
Kasman, Bruce 1 items
Kim, Kyungmin 1 items
Klee, Elizabeth C. 1 items
Klein, Michael A. 1 items
Klitgaard, Thomas 1 items
Kopecky, Kenneth J. 1 items
Krainer, John 1 items
Kuttner, Kenneth N. 1 items
Kwast, Myron L. 1 items
Leahy, Michael P. 1 items
Lee, William 1 items
Loesel, Jeffrey 1 items
Lovati, Jean M. 1 items
Mason, Joseph R. 1 items
McCallum, Bennett T. 1 items
Meltzer, Allan H. 1 items
Meyer, Stephen A. 1 items
Moore, George R. 1 items
Mosser, Patricia C. 1 items
Musumeci, James J. 1 items
Neely, Christopher J. 1 items
Neely, Michelle Clark 1 items
Nosal, Ed 1 items
O'Brien, Yueh-Yun C. 1 items
Pakko, Michael R. 1 items
Panageas, Stavros 1 items
Parigi, Bruno 1 items
Partlan, John C. 1 items
Passmore, Wayne 1 items
Pianalto, Sandra 1 items
Porter, Richard D. 1 items
Potter, Simon M. 1 items
Pozdena, Randall 1 items
Prati, Alessandro 1 items
Price, David A. 1 items
Robinson, Roland I. 1 items
Roley, V. Vance 1 items
Ruebling, Charlotte E. 1 items
Sack, Brian P. 1 items
Saunders, Anthony 1 items
Scadding, John L. 1 items
Schulhofer-Wohl, Sam 1 items
Serletis, Apostolos 1 items
Sinkey, Joseph F. 1 items
Stefanich, Richard 1 items
Stein, Sarah 1 items
Stewart, Ashley 1 items
Stewart, Jonathan D. 1 items
Strongin, Steven 1 items
Summers, Bruce J. 1 items
Swindler, Edwin J. 1 items
Tatom, John A. 1 items
Throop, Adrian W. 1 items
Trebing, Michael E. 1 items
Wallace, Neil 1 items
Wood, John H. 1 items
Woodford, Michael 1 items
Wrase, Jeffrey M. 1 items
show more (169)
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FILTER BY Keywords
Bank reserves 240 items
Monetary policy 40 items
Money supply 35 items
Monetary policy - United States 22 items
Interest rates 15 items
Bank loans 12 items
Banks and banking, Central 12 items
Liquidity (Economics) 12 items
Federal funds market (United States) 11 items
Banks and banking 10 items
Bank deposits 9 items
Interest 9 items
Credit 8 items
Financial crises 7 items
Federal Reserve System 6 items
Federal funds rate 6 items
Money 6 items
Open market operations 6 items
Banking law 5 items
Capital movements 5 items
Developing countries 5 items
Inflation (Finance) 5 items
Regulation D: Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions 5 items
Discount window 4 items
Gold reserves 4 items
Bank capital 3 items
Bank liquidity 3 items
Federal Open Market Committee 3 items
International finance 3 items
Monetary theory 3 items
Money market 3 items
Pacific Area 3 items
Payment systems 3 items
Risk 3 items
Asia 2 items
Bank holding companies 2 items
Bank stocks 2 items
Bank supervision 2 items
Business conditions 2 items
Business cycles 2 items
Debts, External 2 items
Deposit insurance 2 items
Economic conditions 2 items
Economic development 2 items
Emerging markets 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2 items
Financial institutions 2 items
Financial market regulatory reform 2 items
Fiscal policy 2 items
Foreign exchange rates 2 items
Gross domestic product 2 items
Gross national product 2 items
International trade 2 items
Investments, Foreign 2 items
Stock - Prices 2 items
Switzerland 2 items
Asset-liability management 1 items
Assets (Accounting) 1 items
Balance of trade 1 items
Bank failures 1 items
Bank investments 1 items
Banking market 1 items
Banks and banking - Asia 1 items
Banks and banking - Costs 1 items
Banks and banking - Ratio analysis 1 items
Banks and banking - Service charges 1 items
Banks and banking - Taxation 1 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) - Members 1 items
Brazil 1 items
Bretton Woods Agreements Act 1 items
Budget deficits 1 items
Cash management 1 items
Certificates of deposit 1 items
Checks 1 items
Citicorp 1 items
Clearing of securities 1 items
Clearinghouses (Banking) 1 items
Default (Finance) 1 items
Defense industries 1 items
Demand for money 1 items
Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 1 items
Derivative securities 1 items
Disclosure of information 1 items
Discount 1 items
Dollar, American 1 items
Economics 1 items
Euro 1 items
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 1 items
Federal Reserve 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 1 items
Federal Reserve System - History 1 items
Federal Reserve System - Membership 1 items
Federal Reserve System - Regulations 1 items
Federal Reserve banks - Service charges 1 items
Federal funds market 1 items
Finance, Public 1 items
Financial modernization 1 items
Financial stability 1 items
Foreign exchange - Law and legislation 1 items
Germany 1 items
Globalization 1 items
Gold - Purchasing 1 items
Government securities 1 items
Greenspan, Alan 1 items
Imports - Prices 1 items
Income 1 items
Interbank market 1 items
Intermediation (Finance) 1 items
International economic integration 1 items
International economic relations 1 items
Investments 1 items
Kohn, Donald L. 1 items
Mexico 1 items
Monetary policy - Canada 1 items
Monetary policy - Great Britain 1 items
Monetary policy - New Zealand 1 items
Mortgage-backed securities 1 items
Overdrafts 1 items
Portfolio management 1 items
Rate of return 1 items
Recessions 1 items
Repurchase agreements 1 items
Reserves 1 items
Revenue 1 items
Savings and loan associations 1 items
Systemic risk 1 items
Treasury bonds 1 items
Velocity of money 1 items
War - Economic aspects 1 items
War finance 1 items
ample reserve supply 1 items
monetary policy implementation. 1 items
monetary supply 1 items
quantitative tightening 1 items
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