Search Results
Conference Paper
The speed of bank liquidation and the propagation of the U.S. Great Depression
Kolari, James; Mason, Joseph R.; Anari, Ali
, Paper 683
Conference Paper
The determinants of corporate loan liquidity
Carey, Mark S.; Bhasin, Vijay
, Paper 617
Liquidity and systemic risk.
Rosengren, Eric S.
Presented by Eric S. Rosengren, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, for the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond's 2008 Credit Markets Symposium, The Changing Business of Banking, Charlotte, North Carolina, April 18, 2008
, Paper 12
Financial amplification mechanisms and the Federal Reserve's supply of liquidity during the crisis
Shrader, Jeffrey; Sarkar, Asani
The small decline in the value of mortgage-related assets relative to the large total losses associated with the financial crisis suggests the presence of financial amplification mechanisms, which allow relatively small shocks to propagate through the financial system. We review the literature on financial amplification mechanisms and discuss the Federal Reserve's interventions during different stages of the crisis in light of this literature. We interpret the Fed's early-stage liquidity programs as working to dampen balance sheet amplifications arising from the positive feedback between ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 431
Conference Paper
Banking and commerce: an approach based on liquidity synergies
Santos, Joao A. C.; Haubrich, Joseph G.
, Paper 610
Journal Article
The timing and funding of CHAPS sterling payments
Galbiati, Marco; Becher, Christopher; Tudela, Merxe
Real-time gross settlement (RTGS) systems such as CHAPS Sterling require large amounts of liquidity to support payment activity. To meet their liquidity needs, RTGS participants borrow from the central bank or rely on incoming payments from other participants. Both options can prove costly -- the latter in particular if participants delay outgoing payments until incoming ones arrive. This article presents an empirical analysis of the timing and funding of payments in CHAPS. The authors seek to identify the factors driving the intraday profile of payment activity and the extent to which ...
Economic Policy Review
, Volume 14
, Issue Sep
, Pages 113-133
Working Paper
Pre-Positioning and Cross-Border Financial Intermediation
Tabor, Nicholas K.; Zhang, Jeffery Y.
The benefits of cross-border financial activity are wide-ranging, from greater competition and more efficient markets to broader and more stable access to capital. During normal economic times, the official sector and private sector share an incentive to foster such cross-border financial activities. During a financial crisis, however, the short-term alignment of official- and private-sector incentives can diverge—sometimes significantly. We present a game-theoretic model of the underlying trade-offs and discuss lessons for international financial regulators, placing them in the ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2022-051
Journal Article
The Federal Reserve's Term Auction Facility
Armantier, Olivier; Krieger, Sandra C.; McAndrews, James J.
As liquidity conditions in the term funding markets grew increasingly strained in late 2007, the Federal Reserve began making funds available directly to banks through a new tool, the Term Auction Facility (TAF). The TAF provides term funding on a collateralized basis, at interest rates and amounts set by auction. The facility is designed to improve liquidity by making it easier for sound institutions to borrow when the markets are not operating efficiently.
Current Issues in Economics and Finance
, Volume 14
, Issue Jul
Conference Paper
Banks as liquidity providers: an explanation for the co-existence of lending and deposit-taking
Rajan, Raghuram G.; Kashyap, Anil K.; Stein, Jeremy C.
, Paper 582
Bank commitment relationships, cash flow constraints, and liquidity management
Morgan, Donald P.
Evidence in this paper suggests that a close banking relationship--a loan commitment in particular--relaxes cash flow and cash management constraints on firms. Given firms' prospects (Q), the investment and cash flow correlation is substantially lower when firms have a bank loan commitment. The difference in cash flow sensitivity reflects differences in firms' cash management practices in the face of cash flow shocks. Firms with a commitment simply run down their stocks of cash (or borrow more) when their cash flow falls but their investment prospects remain strong. The different ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 108
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 43 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 16 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 7 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 5 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 1 items
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Speech 22 items
Proceedings 17 items
Staff Reports 12 items
Economic Policy Review 9 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 4 items
Current Issues in Economics and Finance 3 items
Working Papers (Old Series) 3 items
Economic Review 2 items
FRBSF Economic Letter 2 items
The Regional Economist 2 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 1 items
Federal Reserve Bulletin 1 items
Liberty Street Economics 1 items
Review 1 items
Supervisory Policy Analysis Working Papers 1 items
Supervisory Research and Analysis Working Papers 1 items
Working Paper Series 1 items
Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation 1 items
Working Papers 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Speech 22 items
Journal Article 20 items
Conference Paper 17 items
Working Paper 13 items
Report 12 items
Discussion Paper 1 items
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Dudley, William 7 items
McAndrews, James J. 7 items
Martin, Antoine 5 items
Baxter, Thomas C. 3 items
Kahn, Charles M. 3 items
Rosengren, Eric S. 3 items
Adrian, Tobias 2 items
Cumming, Christine M. 2 items
Dahlgren, Sarah J. 2 items
Fleming, Michael J. 2 items
Furlong, Frederick T. 2 items
Goldberg, Linda S. 2 items
Haubrich, Joseph G. 2 items
Keeley, Michael C. 2 items
Krieger, Sandra C. 2 items
Lopez, Jose A. 2 items
Potter, Simon M. 2 items
Rajan, Raghuram G. 2 items
Roberds, William 2 items
Santos, João A. C. 2 items
Skeie, David R. 2 items
Stein, Jeremy C. 2 items
Tabor, Nicholas K. 2 items
Vaughan, Mark D. 2 items
Zhang, Jeffery Y. 2 items
Acharya, Viral V. 1 items
Anari, Ali 1 items
Armantier, Olivier 1 items
Artuc, Erhan 1 items
Ashcraft, Adam B. 1 items
Atalay, Enghin 1 items
Baker, Colleen 1 items
Bech, Morten L. 1 items
Becher, Christopher 1 items
Berger, Allen N. 1 items
Bernanke, Ben S. 1 items
Bhasin, Vijay 1 items
Bhattacharya, Joydeep 1 items
Boesky, Hayley 1 items
Bouwman, Christa H. S. 1 items
Bullard, James B. 1 items
Calomiris, Charles W. 1 items
Carey, Mark S. 1 items
Carletti, Elena 1 items
Cecchetti, Stephen G. 1 items
Cetorelli, Nicola 1 items
Christensen, Jens H. E. 1 items
Craig, Ben R. 1 items
Davis, Peter C. 1 items
Demiralp, Selva 1 items
Demirgüč-Kunt, Asli 1 items
Detragiache, Enrica 1 items
Diamond, Douglas W. 1 items
Disyatat, Piti 1 items
Dobbeck, Dianne 1 items
Duygan-Bump, Burcu 1 items
Fecht, Falko 1 items
Ferguson, Roger W. 1 items
Freixas, Xavier 1 items
Furfine, Craig H. 1 items
Galbiati, Marco 1 items
Gale, Douglas 1 items
Gorton, Gary 1 items
Greenspan, Alan 1 items
Hachem, Kinda 1 items
Hartman, Philipp 1 items
Haslag, Joseph H. 1 items
Jagtiani, Julapa 1 items
Kashyap, Anil K. 1 items
Kennedy, Craig 1 items
Klagge, Nicholas 1 items
Kolari, James 1 items
Krasa, Stefan 1 items
Laliberte, Brendan 1 items
Loutskina, Elena 1 items
Marsh, W. Blake 1 items
Mason, Joseph R. 1 items
Metrick, Andrew 1 items
Mills, David C. 1 items
Miu, Jason 1 items
Morgan, Donald P. 1 items
Mosser, Patricia C. 1 items
Olson, Peter 1 items
Park, Kwangwoo 1 items
Parkinson, Patrick M. 1 items
Passmore, Wayne 1 items
Pennacchi, George 1 items
Pozsar, Zoltan 1 items
Repullo, Rafael 1 items
Rudebusch, Glenn D. 1 items
Sack, Brian P. 1 items
Santos, Joao A. C. 1 items
Sarkar, Asani 1 items
Shin, Hyun Song 1 items
Shrader, Jeffrey 1 items
Spagnolo, Giancarlo 1 items
Stackhouse, Julie L. 1 items
Stojanovic, Dusan 1 items
Suarez, Gustavo A. 1 items
Tallman, Ellis W. 1 items
Temesvary, Judit 1 items
Tracy, Joseph 1 items
Tudela, Merxe 1 items
Willen, Paul S. 1 items
Winton, Andrew 1 items
Yeager, Timothy J. 1 items
Yorulmazer, Tanju 1 items
show more (102)
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
FILTER BY Keywords
Bank liquidity 85 items
Financial crises 20 items
Banks and banking, Central 18 items
Bank capital 14 items
Federal Reserve System 12 items
Liquidity (Economics) 11 items
Credit 10 items
Bank failures 9 items
Payment systems 8 items
Systemic risk 8 items
Financial stability 8 items
Bank supervision 7 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 7 items
Asset-backed financing 6 items
Discount window 6 items
Intermediation (Finance) 6 items
Repurchase agreements 6 items
lenders of last resort 6 items
Financial risk management 5 items
Bank loans 4 items
Bank mergers 4 items
Banking law 4 items
Deposit insurance 4 items
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 4 items
Financial Regulatory Reform (Dodd-Frank Act) 4 items
Financial institutions 4 items
Interbank market 4 items
International finance 4 items
Mortgage-backed securities 4 items
Assets (Accounting) 3 items
Bank assets 3 items
Bank reserves 3 items
Clearinghouses (Banking) 3 items
Commercial paper 3 items
Derivative securities 3 items
Financial markets 3 items
International liquidity 3 items
Money market funds 3 items
Open market operations 3 items
Recessions 3 items
Risk management 3 items
Auctions 2 items
Bank competition 2 items
Bank holding companies 2 items
Bank investments 2 items
Bankruptcy 2 items
Banks and banking 2 items
Banks and banking - Ratio analysis 2 items
Banks and banking - Regulations 2 items
Banks and banking, Foreign 2 items
Business cycles 2 items
Consumer credit 2 items
Cross-Border Finance 2 items
Electronic funds transfers 2 items
European Central Bank 2 items
Federal Reserve Act 2 items
Federal Reserve banks - Profits 2 items
Fedwire 2 items
Financial leverage 2 items
Financial market regulatory reform 2 items
Global financial crisis 2 items
Government-sponsored enterprises 2 items
Greenspan, Alan 2 items
Housing - Prices 2 items
Interest rates 2 items
International economic relations 2 items
Investments 2 items
Market Fragmentation 2 items
Mutual funds 2 items
Nonbank financial institutions 2 items
Pre-Positioning 2 items
Regulatory reform 2 items
Risk 2 items
Securities and Exchange Commission 2 items
Swaps (Finance) 2 items
Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF) 2 items
Troubled Asset Relief Program 2 items
Asset pricing 1 items
Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) 1 items
Bank affiliates 1 items
Bank balance sheet management 1 items
Bank deposits 1 items
Bank size 1 items
Banking market 1 items
Banking structure 1 items
Banks and banking, International 1 items
Basel III 1 items
Basel capital accord 1 items
Branch banks 1 items
Business failures 1 items
CET1 1 items
Capitalization 1 items
Cash flow 1 items
Cash management 1 items
Clearing of securities 1 items
Clearinghouse 1 items
Commercial credit 1 items
Contracts 1 items
Corporate governance 1 items
Debt 1 items
Disclosure of information 1 items
Dodd–Frank Act 1 items
Dollar, American 1 items
Econometrics 1 items
Economic conditions 1 items
Equity 1 items
Federal Open Market Committee 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 1 items
Federal Reserve District, 2nd 1 items
Federal Reserve banks - Auditing 1 items
Federal funds 1 items
Federal funds market (United States) 1 items
Federal government 1 items
Federal home loan banks 1 items
Friedman, Milton 1 items
Game theory 1 items
Government securities 1 items
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act 1 items
Interstate banking 1 items
Investment banking 1 items
Liquidity regulation 1 items
Management 1 items
Monetary policy 1 items
Monetary theory 1 items
Mortgages 1 items
Over-the-counter markets 1 items
Panic of 1873 1 items
Portfolio management 1 items
Prices 1 items
Public welfare 1 items
Regulation Q: Prohibition Against Payment of Interest on Demand Deposits 1 items
Safe assets 1 items
Stock - Prices 1 items
Subprime mortgage 1 items
Treasury bills 1 items
Uncertainty 1 items
War - Economic aspects 1 items
bank borrowing 1 items
bank capital regulations 1 items
bank run 1 items
high-quality liquid assets (HQLA) 1 items
interbank markets 1 items
loan growth 1 items
unrealized losses 1 items
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