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Keywords:bank charters 

Journal Article
The regulation of bank entry

Economic Review , Issue Sum , Pages 5-13

Journal Article
Bank charters vs thrift charters

FRBSF Economic Letter

Working Paper
Deposit insurance, risk, and market power in banking

A fixed-rate deposit insurance system provides a moral hazard for excessive risk taking and is not viable absent regulation. Although the deposit insurance system appears to have worked remarkably well over most of its 50-year history, major problems began to appear in the early 1980s. This paper addresses the puzzle of why major problems began to arise in the early 1980s and not sooner. ; The hypothesis is that increases in competition caused bank charter values to decline, which, in turn, caused banks to- increase default risk through increases. in asset risk and reductions in capital. This ...
Working Papers in Applied Economic Theory , Paper 88-07

Conference Paper
Prudential supervision to manage systemic vulnerability

Proceedings , Paper 217

Conference Paper
Moral hazard and franchise value: theory and evidence

Proceedings , Paper 318

Journal Article
Are mergers responsible for the surge in new bank charters?

After stagnating for many years, the rate of new bank formation increased sharply in the second half of the 1990s. The financial press attributes this development to the high volume of bank mergers, which are said to have encouraged new entry by reducing service to some bank customers. It is commonly asserted, for example, that many new banks serve small businesses whose banks were taken over by larger banks uninterested in making small business loans. Most banking experts agree that such an increase in new banks in response to mergers would be healthy, helping maintain competition in local ...
Economic Review , Volume 85 , Issue Q I , Pages 21-41

Working Paper
The Effects of Bank Charter Switching on Supervisory Ratings

I study whether commercial banks can improve their supervisory ratings by switching charters. I use the fees charged by chartering authorities to establish a causal effect from switching on ratings. Banks receive more favorable ratings after they change charters, an effect that is large for both national and state charters. In addition, controlling for bank ratings, banks that switch charters fail more often than others. These results suggest that banks can arbitrage ratings by switching charters and are consistent with regulators competing for banks by rating incoming banks better than ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2014-20

Conference Paper
What happens if banks are closed \"early\"?

Proceedings , Paper 321

Journal Article
Bank charter values and risk

FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
Federal subsidies in banking: the link to financial modernization

FRBSF Economic Letter


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