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Keywords:balance sheets 

The economic outlook and implications for monetary policy

Remarks before the New York Association for Business Economics, New York City.
Speech , Paper 136

Journal Article
The Evolving Role of the Fed’s Balance Sheet: Effects and Challenges

In this article, Chaitri Gulati and A. Lee Smith present evidence that the Federal Reserve’s expanded balance sheet, with a large portfolio of long-duration assets, has provided a significant amount of policy accommodation in recent years, depressing long-term interest rates by about 1.6 percentage points as of early 2022. They also argue that the FOMC’s plan to remove this accommodation through the passive runoff of maturing securities may prove challenging. They project that the downward pressure the balance sheet is currently placing on longer-term interest rates will only gradually ...
Economic Review , Volume 107 , Issue no.4

Discussion Paper
The Fed’s Balance Sheet Runoff and the ON RRP Facility

A 2017 Liberty Street Economics post described the balance sheet effects of the Federal Open Market Committee’s decision to cease reinvestments of maturing securities—that is, the mechanics of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet “runoff.” At the time, the overnight reverse repo (ON RRP) facility was fairly small (less than $200 billion for most of July 2017) and was not mentioned in the post for the sake of simplicity. Today, by contrast, take-up at the ON RRP facility is much larger (over $1.5 trillion for most of 2022). In this post, we update the earlier analysis and describe how ...
Liberty Street Economics , Paper 20220411

Implementing monetary policy with the balance sheet: keynote remarks for ECB Workshop: Money Markets, Monetary Policy Implementation, and Central Bank Balance Sheets, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Keynote Remarks for ECB Workshop: Money Markets, Monetary Policy Implementation, and Central Bank Balance Sheets, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Speech , Paper 259

Central bank balance sheets: misconceptions and realities: remarks at the Credit Suisse Asian Investment Conference, Hong Kong, China, March 26, 2019

Federal Reserve Bank of Boston President Eric Rosengren explored misconceptions about the Fed?s balance sheet ? the assets the central bank holds, and the liabilities and capital used to finance those assets ? in a speech in Hong Kong.
Speech , Paper 142

Moving toward 'normal' U.S. monetary policy: remarks at the Joint Bank Indonesia-Federal Reserve Bank of New York Central Banking Forum, Nusa Dua, Indonesia

Remarks at the Joint Bank Indonesia-Federal Reserve Bank of New York Central Banking Forum, Nusa Dua, Indonesia.
Speech , Paper 296

U.S. monetary policy normalization is proceeding smoothly: remarks at the China Finance 40 Forum - Euro 50 Group - CIGI Roundtable, Banque de France, Paris, France

Remarks at the China Finance 40 Forum - Euro 50 Group - CIGI Roundtable, Banque de France, Paris, France.
Speech , Paper 297

Confidence in the implementation of U.S. monetary policy normalization: remarks at the 23rd EMEAP (Executives’ Meeting of East Asia-Pacific Central Banks) Governors’ Meeting, Manila, Philippines

Remarks at the 23rd EMEAP (Executives? Meeting of East Asia-Pacific Central Banks) Governors? Meeting, Manila, Philippines.
Speech , Paper 291

'Normal' monetary policy in words and deeds: remarks at Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs, New York City

Remarks at Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs, New York City.
Speech , Paper 292

Journal Article
Time to Unwind

This fall, the Fed is taking initial steps to unwind a signature post-recession stimulus policy by trimming back its massive balance sheet.
Econ Focus , Issue 3Q , Pages 30-30


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