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Keywords:Yen, Japanese 

Conference Paper
On the possibility of the yen bloc

Proceedings , Issue Sep

Journal Article
Effectiveness of exchange-rate changes on the trade account: the Japanese case

Economic Review , Issue Fall , Pages 55-71

Working Paper
Intraday yen/dollar exchange rate movements: news or noise?

Research Working Paper , Paper 88-07

Conference Paper
Economic fundamentals and a yen currency area for Asian Pacific Rim countries

Proceedings , Issue Sep

Journal Article
A yen for yen

FRBSF Economic Letter

Working Paper
Bond currency denomination and the yen carry trade

We examine the determinants of issuance of yen-denominated international bonds over the period from 1990 through 2010. This period was marked by low Japanese interest rates that led some investors to pursue "carry trades," which consisted of funding investments in higher interest rate currencies with low interest rate, yen-denominated obligations. In principle, bond issuers that have flexibility in their funding currency could also conduct a carry-trade strategy by funding in yen during this low interest rate period. We examine the characteristics of firms who appeared to have adopted this ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2010-04

Journal Article
Japanese foreign exchange intervention

FRBSF Economic Letter

Conference Paper
Monetary policy, intervention, and exchange rates in Japan


Working Paper
What can the data tell us about carry trades in Japanese yen?

This paper examines the available data that may shed light on the carry trade in Japanese yen. We define an individual or a sector to be engaged in the carry trade if it has a short position in yen and a long position in other currencies. The tendency of large yen movements to be skewed toward appreciations is consistent with the existence of substantial carry positions, and other evidence from market prices provides some modest support for an effect from the carry trade. Data on bank loans and bond holdings by currency reveal a large apparent yen carry position of the Japanese official ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 899

Working Paper
News from the U.S. and Japan: which moves the yen/dollar exchange rate?

Research Working Paper , Paper 86-02


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