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Keywords:Women executives 

Conference Paper
Reaching the top: challenges and opportunities: women leaders

Women have made impressive strides in the business and professional world. They hold half of all jobs in managerial and professional specialty occupations. Eight Fortune 500 companies have female CEOs. Women are also increasingly visible in leadership positions across the public, private, and professional sectors. ; On the other hand, only 10 percent of Fortune 500 companies have filled a quarter or more of their senior executive positions with women, and roughly 20 percent have no women executives at all. Meanwhile, anecdotes are accumulating that talented women are curtailing their labor ...
Conference Series ; [Proceedings] , Issue Mar

Conference Paper
Spinning the top: gender, games and macro outcomes

Women may have different norms and preferences than men because we have had different responsibilities. Gender differences may be based to some extent in biology as well as culture. Yet we have attained the power to change both biology and culture, along with the very meaning of femininity. I believe that we have changed that meaning, for the most part, in positive ways. But I also believe that we have entered a Prisoner?s Dilemma game in which we are offered a choice between adopting traditionally masculine priorities and being denied access ?to the top.? If we focus too narrowly on the ...
Conference Series ; [Proceedings] , Issue Mar

Journal Article
From the valley to the summit: a brief history of the quiet revolution that transformed women's work

We can have a meaningful discussion today about "women at the top" only because of a quiet revolution that took place 30 years ago.
Regional Review , Issue Q 1 , Pages 5-12

Conference Paper
From the valley to the summit: a brief history of the quiet revolution that transformed women's work

Women have reached summits throughout recorded history and their accomplishments have been touted by contemporaries as evidence that women could achieve greatness, contrary to accepted wisdom. But it has taken considerably longer for substantial numbers of women, not just a few tokens, to reach the peaks. Until recently the vast majority of women?even college graduate women?occupied the valleys, not the summits. They had jobs, not careers.
Conference Series ; [Proceedings] , Issue Mar

Journal Article
Reaching the top: challenges and opportunities for women leaders: an introduction

Women have made great strides in the business and professional world.
Regional Review , Issue Q 1 , Pages 1-2

Journal Article
Improving opportunities for women

One solution is to encourage young women to take on leadership roles in all areas of endeavor, so they can learn to fail, pick themselves up, dust off their egos, and try again.
Regional Review , Issue Q 1 , Pages 68-69

Conference Paper
Women as members of work organizations

Work organizations vary in the challenges and opportunities they provide for female and minority employees. This variation along with basic research has made it possible for social scientists to increasingly understand what kinds of employment practices are good and bad for equal opportunity at work.
Conference Series ; [Proceedings] , Issue Mar

Journal Article
Women's rise: a work in progress

Recent data show declines in labor force participation for highly educated women, but the causes of these changes are not easy to identify.
Regional Review , Issue Q 1 , Pages 58-67

Journal Article
Paying the price: how family choices affect career outcomes

Deciding to get married, have children, or care for elderly relatives affects not just wages, but also other career opportunities such as training and promotions.
Regional Review , Issue Q 1 , Pages 26-29

Journal Article
Changing the face of consulting: the women's initiative at Deloitte

Deloitte & Touche was hiring the best and brightest men and women, and proportionately losing 80 percent of the women before they reached partner level.
Regional Review , Issue Q 1 , Pages 42-43



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