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Keywords:Time Variation 

Working Paper
Has the Information Channel of Monetary Policy Disappeared? Revisiting the Empirical Evidence

Does the Federal Reserve have an “information advantage” in forecasting macroeconomic variables beyond what is known to private sector forecasters? And are market participants reacting only to monetary policy shocks or also to future information on the state of the economy that the Federal Reserve communicates in its announcements via an “information channel”? This paper investigates the evolution of the information channel over time. Although the information channel appears to be important historically, we find no empirical evidence of its presence in the recent years once ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2020-08

Working Paper
“Good” Inflation, “Bad” Inflation: Implications for Risky Asset Prices

Using inflation swap prices, we study how changes in expected inflation affect firm-level credit spreads and equity returns, and uncover evidence of a time-varying inflation sensitivity. In times of “good inflation,” when inflation news is perceived by investors to be more positively correlated with real economic growth, movements in expected inflation substantially reduce corporate credit spreads and raise equity valuations. Meanwhile in times of “bad inflation,” these effects are attenuated and the opposite can take place. These dynamics naturally arise in an equilibrium asset ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2025-002


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Bonelli, Diego 1 items

Hoesch, Lukas 1 items

Palazzo, Berardino 1 items

Rossi, Barbara 1 items

Sekhposyan, Tatevik 1 items

Yamarthy, Ram S. 1 items

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