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Journal Article
High-speed chase : taking broadband to the limit

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Econ Focus , Volume 14 , Issue 2Q , Pages 24-26

Journal Article
Industry clusters : bringing biometrics to West Virginia

Econ Focus , Volume 7 , Issue Spr , Pages 7-8

Journal Article
Phoning it in

Econ Focus , Volume 11 , Issue Win , Pages 23-27

Journal Article
Bandwidth bonanza : Spectrum auction uses experimental design

Econ Focus , Volume 12 , Issue Win , Pages 11

Journal Article
Telecommunications is primed for competition

Regional Update , Issue Apr , Pages 1-2, 4

Journal Article
Broadband: not quite universal

Given the state of rural broadband, extending universal service to high-speed Internet access may be premature.
Fedgazette , Volume 19 , Issue May , Pages 7-10

Journal Article
Rural businesses are spurring much of the growth in telecommunications

Fedgazette , Volume 11 , Issue Apr , Pages 3-4

Journal Article
Fixing universal service

Proposed measures would curb the costs of subsidizing rural phone service.
Fedgazette , Volume 19 , Issue May , Pages 6

Journal Article
Dialing up call centers: a slumping industry shows signs of life

Fedgazette , Volume 16 , Issue May , Pages 13-15

Journal Article
What investment patterns across equipment and industries tell us about the recent investment boom and bust

A study of capital expenditure trends identifies investment in information technology as a major factor in the 1990s boom and subsequent bust. Spending on computers and software, fueled by Y2K preparations and the rise of the Internet, drove investment growth in the late 1990s but slowed in 2000, while overly optimistic profit expectations by communications industries likely prompted an unsustainable investment surge in 2000.
Current Issues in Economics and Finance , Volume 10 , Issue May


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