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Working Paper
Monetary policy in Taiwan, China

This paper examines how Taiwan, China, has used monetary policy to deal with the impact of the two oil shocks since 1973, as well as with the recent problem of a very large rise in foreign exchange holdings. In dealing with the inflationary pressures brought on by the two oil shocks, the central bank relied primarily on changes in its rediscount rate to reduce inflationary pressures. However, the changes were initially too small and too late to prevent a large rise in consumer prices in 1974 and 1980. Since 1985, the large gains in foreign exchange reserves, due to a rising trade surplus and ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 313

Journal Article
Taiwan provides test case for financial liberalization

Economics Update , Issue Jan , Pages 5-6

Journal Article
Intervention, sterilization, and monetary control in Korea and Taiwan

This paper uses a four-variable vector autoregression model to explore how monetary authorities responded to shocks in Korea and Taiwan over the period 1981.1-1994.12. The analysis reveals that sterilization is an important element of the response to shocks to foreign assets in both economies. In particular, monetary authorities do not appear to be prepared to accept fluctuations in the exchange rate and the money supply that may result from changes in foreign assets, but more readily accept fluctuations in these variables that result from domestic credit shocks. There are also differences ...
Economic Review

Conference Paper
Building the legal and regulatory framework

Conference Series ; [Proceedings] , Volume 44 , Issue Jun , Pages 31-88

Journal Article
A liberal discussion of financial liberalization

Economic Review , Issue Nov , Pages 1-8

Journal Article
Shifting patterns of U.S. trade with selected developing Asian economies

Quarterly Review , Volume 14 , Issue Win , Pages 36-47

Journal Article
Financial consequences of new Asian surpluses

Quarterly Review , Volume 12 , Issue Sum , Pages 32-44

Journal Article
Taiwan's trade surpluses

FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
In brief: economic capsules--U.S. trade with Taiwan and South Korea

Quarterly Review , Volume 13 , Issue Aut , Pages 60-66


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