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Keywords:Sudden Stops 

Working Paper
Large Capital Inflows, Sectoral Allocation, and Economic Performance

This paper describes the stylized facts characterizing periods of exceptionally large capital inflows in a sample of 70 middle- and high-income countries over the last 35 years. We identify 155 episodes of large capital inflows and find that these events are typically accompanied by an economic boom and followed by a slump. Moreover, during episodes of large capital inflows capital and labor shift out of the manufacturing sector, especially if the inflows begin during a period of low international interest rates. However, accumulating reserves during the period in which capital inflows are ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 1132

Discussion Paper
Good News, Leverage, and Sudden Stops

One of the major debates in open economy macroeconomics is the extent to which capital inflows are beneficial for growth. In principle, these flows allow countries to increase their consumption and investment spending beyond their income by enabling them to tap into foreign saving. Periods of such borrowing, however, are associated with large trade deficits, external debt accumulation, and, in some cases, overheating when these economies operate beyond their potential output level for an extended period of time. The relevant question in this context is whether the rate at which a country is ...
Liberty Street Economics , Paper 20180530

Working Paper
Inequality and Asset Prices during Sudden Stops

This paper studies the cross-sectional dimension of Fisher’s debt-deflation mechanism that triggers Sudden Stop crises. Analyzing microdata from Mexico, we show that this dimension has macroeconomic implications that operate via opposing effects. We propose a small open economy, asset-pricing model with heterogeneous-agents and aggregate risk to measure the effects of inequality during crises. In contrast to a representative-agent model, heterogeneity generates persistent current account reversals with smaller drops in asset prices and larger drops in consumption driven by the leveraged ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 1388


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Villalvazo, Sergio 2 items

Akinci, Ozge 1 items

Benigno, Gianluca 1 items

Chahrour, Ryan 1 items

Converse, Nathan L. 1 items

Fornaro, Luca 1 items

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F32 3 items

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Sudden Stops 4 items

Asset-pricing 2 items

Debt-deflation 2 items

Household leverage 2 items

Inequality 2 items

Boom-Bust Cycle 1 items

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