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Black-White Differences in Student Loan Default Rates Among College Graduates
Despite the financial benefits that college completion offers, student loan defaults are not uncommon among college graduates. Default rates differ markedly by race, with 30 percent of Black college graduates with federal student loans reporting having defaulted at least once compared to 10 percent of White graduates. This Economic Brief compares student loan borrowing, repayment and default behavior of Black and White college graduates. While the amounts that the two groups borrow are comparable, Black graduates are not only more likely to default but also more likely to be on income-based ...
Discussion Paper
Student Loan Repayment and College Accountability
Student loan debt and defaults have been steadily rising, igniting public worry about the associated public and private risks. This has led to controversial attempts to curb defaults by holding colleges, particularly those in the for-profit sector, increasingly accountable for the student loan repayment behavior of their students. These efforts attempt to protect taxpayers against the misuse of public money used to encourage college enrollment and to safeguard students against potentially risky human capital investments. Recent policy proposals penalize colleges for students? poor repayment ...