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Journal Article
The Great Recession’s effect on entrepreneurship

Though the recent recession was the worst downturn since the Great Depression, some observers argue that one silver lining is an upswing in entrepreneurship. Recessions, they claim, provide laid-off workers with the motivation to start their own businesses, and a recent study suggests that in 2009 the number people becoming self employed spiked to its highest level in more than a decade. Unfortunately, a careful look at multiple sources of data shows that the Great Recession was actually a time of considerable decline in entrepreneurial activity in the United States.>
Economic Commentary , Issue Mar

Working Paper
Are household surveys like tax forms: evidence from income underreporting of the self-employed

There is a large literature showing that the self-employed underreport their income to tax authorities. In this paper, we quantify the extent to which the self-employed also systematically underreport their income in U.S. household surveys. To do so, we use the Engel curve describing the relationship between income and expenditures of wage and salary workers to infer the actual income, and thus the reporting gap, of the self-employed based on their reported expenditures. We find that the self-employed underreport their income by about 30 percent. This result is remarkably robust across data ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2011-06

Journal Article
The self-employment duration of younger men over the business cycle

Spells of self-employment for younger men are typically of short duration with slightly more than half lasting two years or less. This article examines factors that lead to longer durations, focusing on the role of cyclical factors in distinguishing entrepreneurs from discouraged wage workers.
Economic Perspectives , Volume 30 , Issue Q III , Pages 14-27

Working Paper
Labor market transitions and self-employment

The self-employed are a heterogeneous group. Some are self-employed because they are good at it, while others are self-employed because they cannot find a better paying salaried job. Data from the CPS for prime age males show that workers are almost twice as likely to enter self-employment from unemployment as from paid employment. Furthermore, almost 22% of workers exit self-employment within the year with most returning to paid employment. This paper develops a framework for examining transitions between the labor market states of unemployment, paid employment, and self-employment. The ...
Working Paper Series , Paper WP-07-14

Working Paper
Do enclaves matter in immigrants’ self-employment decision?

This paper uses 2000 U.S. Census data to study the determinants of self-employment decisions among immigrants. It outlines a theoretical framework for analyzing the role of ethnic enclaves in the self-employment decision of immigrants that captures nuances involved in the interaction between ethnic enclaves and different ethnic groups. It assesses the effect of ethnic enclaves for different groups and explores explanations for differences. The results show that higher ethnic concentration in metropolitan areas is positively related to the probability of self-employment of immigrants. However, ...
Working Paper Series , Paper WP-05-23

Journal Article
Wanted: Entrepreneurs (just don't ask for a job description)

If entrepreneurship is so important, why don't we know more about it?
The Region , Volume 22 , Issue Jun , Pages 12-15, 47-50

Working Paper
Self-employment as an alternative to unemployment

Data from the NLSY show that more than a quarter of all younger men experience some period of self- employment. Many of them return to wage work. This paper analyzes a simple model of job search and self- employment where self- employment provides an alternative source of income for unemployed workers. Self- employment is distinct from wage sector employment in two important respects. First, self- employment is a low-income, low- variation alternative to wage work. Second, once a worker enters self-employment, he loses eligibility to receive unemployment insurance benefits?at least until he ...
Working Paper Series , Paper WP-03-34

Journal Article
Do ethnic enclaves and networks promote immigrant self-employment?

The author assesses how ethnic enclaves and networks affect the self-employment decisions of immigrants in the U.S. She finds that ethnic networks play a positive role in the likelihood that immigrants will choose self-employment as an alternative to wage employment. However, there is no clear impact of ethnic geographical concentrations on the self-employment decision.
Economic Perspectives , Volume 32 , Issue Q IV , Pages 30-50

Journal Article
North Texas income dip may reflect decline in education

Southwest Economy , Issue Sep , Pages 10

Working Paper
Credit and self-employment

Limited personal liability for debts has long been justified as a tool to promote entrepreneurial risk taking by providing insurance to the borrower in the event of low returns. Nonetheless, such limits erode repayment incentives, and so may increase unsecured borrowing costs. Our paper is the first to evaluate the tradeoff between credit costs and insurance against failure. We build a life-cycle model with risky, and repeated, occupational choice in the presence of defaultable debt contracts. We find that limits to liability can encourage self-employment, and alter the timing, size, and ...
Working Paper , Paper 09-05


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