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Keywords:Sacrifice ratio OR Sacrifice Ratio 

Working Paper
Households' Preferences Over Inflation and Monetary Policy Tradeoffs

We document novel facts about U.S. household preferences over inflation and monetary policy. Many households are highly attentive to news about monetary policy and to interest rates. The median household perceives the Federal Reserve's inflation target to be three percent, but would prefer it to be lower. Quantifying the tradeoff between inflation and unemployment, we find an average acceptable sacrifice ratio of 0.6, implying that households are likely to find disinflation costly. Average preferences are well represented by a non-linear loss function with near equal weights on inflation and ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2024-036

Working Paper
How Large is the Output Cost of Disinflation?

This paper examines estimates of, and drivers for, the sacrifice ratio in the United States. Three approaches are employed. The first reviews the literature on what sacrifice ratio might be expected. The second studies a generic disinflation experiment using 40 estimated macro models of the U.S. economy, calculating a distribution of sacrifice ratios. Those sacrifice ratios are high by historical standards and the paper discusses some stories for why this is so. The role of expectations formation and the credibility of policy is emphasized. The third approach gets under the hood of drivers of ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2022-079


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Sacrifice Ratio 3 items

Attention 2 items

Dual Mandate 2 items

Household Survey 2 items

Inflation Target 2 items

Disinflation 1 items

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