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Keywords:Reserve Bank of New Zealand 

Working Paper
Central bank institutional design and the output cost of disinflation: did the 1989 New Zealand Reserve Bank Act affect the output-inflation tradeoff?

Pacific Basin Working Paper Series , Paper 97-02

Conference Paper
Reserve Bank of New Zealand's quarterly macroeconomic model

Proceedings , Issue 1

Journal Article
Further Evidence on Greenspan’s Conundrum

During his February 2005 congressional testimony, Alan Greenspan identified what he termed a conundrum. Despite the fact that the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) had increased the federal funds rate 150 basis points since June 2004, the 10-year Treasury yield remained essentially unchanged. Greenspan considered several explanations for his observation but rejected each. Thornton (2018) showed that the relationship between the 10-year Treasury yield and the federal funds rate changed in the late 1980s, many years prior to Greenspan's observation. Moreover, he showed that the relationship ...
Review , Volume 104 , Issue 1 , Pages 70-77