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Keywords:Professional employees 

Journal Article
Diagnosis: shortage

Regional Review , Volume 11 , Issue Q 3 , Pages 7 - 15

Journal Article
New firms on the block

Regional Review , Issue Spr , Pages 6-12

Journal Article
Dressing down for success

More and more companies are discovering that shedding the coats and ties and silk blouses and stockings are good for employee morale.
Cross Sections , Volume 11 , Issue Win , Pages 15-17

Journal Article
Professional employer organizations: What are they, who uses them, and why should we care?

Using both public and confidential data, the authors summarize how the intensity of use of professional employer organization (PEO) services varies across industries and geographical areas. Their analyses using microdata of manufacturing establishments suggest that the use of PEO services depends on the size of the establishment and of its parent firm. The use of PEO services is greater for newly constructed establishments, as well as for establishments with a potentially high injury and illness rate. Greater diversification across industries and geographical areas of a parent firm may also ...
Economic Perspectives , Volume 32 , Issue Q IV

Journal Article
The U.S. professional sector: 1950 to 1988

The United States economy, over the course of the twentieth century, has taken on a highly professional cast. By 1988, professional, technical, and kindred workers made up 20 percent or more of the labor force in industries ranging from health care and education, to high tech manufacturing and business services, to government and entertainment. In terms of international competitiveness, income per worker, and technical advance, this group of professionalized industries forms perhaps the most successful sector of the U.S. economy. ; This article provides an overview of the professionalization ...
New England Economic Review , Issue Jan , Pages 37-55


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