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Keywords:Price regulation 

Journal Article
Pricing federal irrigation water: a California case study

Economic Review , Issue Spr , Pages 35-55

Conference Paper
Issues in deposit insurance reform

Proceedings , Paper 715

Conference Paper
Can the central bank achieve price stability? (commentary)

Proceedings , Issue Mar , Pages 204-207

Journal Article
Can the central bank achieve price stability? (commentary)

Review , Issue Mar , Pages 204-207

Journal Article
Pollution pricing

FRBSF Economic Letter

Fiscal policy and price stability: the case of Italy, 1992–98

Many authorities at home and abroad questioned Italy's ability to meet the strict criteria to join the European Monetary Union. The author looks at the interaction between fiscal policy and monetary policy in Italy between 1992, when it exited the European Exchange Rate Mechanism, and 1998, when an official announcement was made that it would join the union.
Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Dec

Journal Article
Statement to Congress, February 6, 1990 (price stability)

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Mar

Journal Article
Statement to Congress, February 6, 1990 (price stability)

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Mar

Journal Article
The case for price stability

The testimony of Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank President W. Lee Hoskins before the U.S. House of Representatives' Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy, supporting House Joint Resolution 409, which would establish achievement of price stability as the primary policy goal of the central bank.
Economic Commentary , Issue Mar



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Journal Article 15 items

Conference Paper 3 items

Newsletter 2 items

Report 1 items

Speech 1 items

Working Paper 1 items

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