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Journal Article
Concentrated poverty in Milwaukee

Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath created a renewed awareness of the unique isolation and vulnerability of people who live in communities where poverty concentrates and persists. The Federal Reserve?s Community Affairs staff partnered with the Brookings Institution to re-examine our understanding of concentrated poverty ? defined as areas where at least 40 percent of the population lives below the poverty line.
Profitwise , Issue Jul , Pages 1-9

Journal Article
Helping the poor accumulate assets

Having assets (a bank account, a car, an insured home, a good credit rating) does more than help families weather a crisis. It can move them out of poverty permanently, with benefits to individuals, government, corporations, and society as a whole.
Communities and Banking , Issue Win , Pages 20-23

Journal Article
Laying the foundation for a mortgage industry in Mexico

Economic Letter , Volume 1

Journal Article
Improving low-income policies in tight fiscal times

Iris Lav and John Springer of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities provide information to help groups concerned with low-income families understand how they might best participate in state policy debates.
Communities and Banking , Issue Sum , Pages 14-17

Journal Article
Excuse me, which way is up? Is America still the land of economic opportunity and mobility, especially for the poor?

Fedgazette , Volume 18 , Issue Nov , Pages 12-15

Conference Paper
General discussion : monetary policy and the well-being of the poor

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole

The road to recovery: Brooklyn

Remarks by President Dudley at the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce Brooklyn Borough Hall, Brooklyn, New York.
Speech , Paper 58

Journal Article
Suburbanization of poverty in the Bay Area

Despite its persistent association with the "inner city," poverty has shifted toward the suburbs in the San Francisco Bay Area over the past decade. Using data from the 2000 census and the 2005-2009 ACS 5-year estimates, this research brief examines the changing geography of poverty in the Bay Area and its implications for the community development field.
Community Development Research Brief , Issue January , Pages 1-17

Working Paper
The ins and outs of poverty in advanced economies: poverty dynamics in Canada, Germany, Great Britain, and the United States

Comparative analysis of poverty dynamics?incidence, transitions, and persistence?can yield important insights about the nature of poverty and the effectiveness of alternative policy responses. This manuscript compares poverty dynamics in four advanced industrial countries (Canada, unified Germany, Great Britain, and the United States) for overlapping six-year periods in the 1990s. The data indicate that poverty persistence is higher in North America than in Europe; for example, despite high incidence, poverty in Great Britain is relatively transitory. Most poverty transitions, and the ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2004-18

Conference Paper
Commentary : monetary policy and the well-being of the poor

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole



FILTER BY Content Type

Journal Article 66 items

Working Paper 28 items

Conference Paper 6 items

Speech 5 items

Monograph 2 items

Report 2 items

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Larrimore, Jeff 8 items

Aliprantis, Dionissi 7 items

anonymous 7 items

DeFina, Robert H. 4 items

Wirtz, Ronald A. 4 items

Dudley, William 3 items

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FILTER BY Jel Classification

I32 8 items

I30 7 items

I38 3 items

D31 2 items

R23 2 items

R38 2 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Poverty 111 items

Housing policy 12 items

Income distribution 8 items

Community development 7 items

Cost of living adjustments 7 items

Unemployment 7 items

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