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Working Paper
The role of agglomeration potential in population and employment growth

Working Papers , Paper 86-13

Journal Article
Four funerals and a wedding: We're growing older and it won't be cheap

Fedgazette , Volume 16 , Issue Mar , Pages 2-5

Working Paper
Population growth and asset prices

This paper explores the theoretical relationship between the population growth rate and asset prices implied by an overlapping-generations model. The model shows that changes in a population's age distribution affect asset prices but such changes generate low frequency movements in asset prices. The model also shows that the treatment of expectations matter; a small response of individuals to changes in asset prices has large implications for the path of asset prices. Finally, the model shows that incorporating a supply of assets by interpreting an asset as a claim on physical capital ...
Working Papers , Paper 1997-016

The coming demographic transition: will we treat future generations fairly?

a speech at the Washington Economic Club, Washington, D.C.
Speech , Paper 234

World population trends and challenges

Presentation at Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Mo., Oct. 4, 2004
Speech , Paper 15

Journal Article
Employment patterns during the recovery: Who are getting the jobs and why?

Employment gains during the recovery have differed sharply depending on workers' level of education, age, and gender. Workers with high levels of education, workers age 55 and older, and men have experienced the strongest employment gains in the recovery. ; Sahin and Willis analyze these employment patterns and find that the patterns appear to reflect two key factors: long-term trends and cyclical fluctuations. The strong employment growth for highly educated and older workers is a continuation of longer term shifts toward a more highly educated workforce and the aging of the baby boom ...
Economic Review , Issue Q III , Pages 5-34

Journal Article
Boomers, babies and bye-bye Bobby: shifting age composition more than just young folks leaving

Fedgazette , Volume 14 , Issue Sep , Pages 2-3

The world's population conundrum

Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Sep

Conference Paper
Global demographic change : some implications for central banks : overview panel

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole , Issue Aug , Pages 447-454

Journal Article
Economic history : The great southern migration

Econ Focus , Volume 11 , Issue Fall , Pages 36-39



FILTER BY Content Type

Journal Article 72 items

Working Paper 19 items

Conference Paper 15 items

Newsletter 5 items

Speech 3 items

Discussion Paper 1 items

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Rappaport, Jordan 8 items

Wirtz, Ronald A. 5 items

Clement, Douglas 4 items

Burke, William 3 items

Crone, Theodore M. 3 items

Feldstein, Martin 3 items

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FILTER BY Jel Classification

E24 2 items

J01 2 items

J11 2 items

J21 2 items

D1 1 items

I12 1 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Population 118 items

Demography 19 items

Census 11 items

Federal Reserve District, 9th 11 items

Housing 10 items

Rural areas 9 items

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