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Keywords:Pell grants OR Pell Grants 

Discussion Paper
Pell Grants and Community College Success: Improving Metrics via our Community College Survey

Community colleges play a key role in economic development and workforce training. Yet measuring the success of community colleges has long been a challenging task due to data quality issues and the complicated array of programs offered. Recently, the Richmond Fed embarked on creating a survey tool to improve the data that are available on Fifth District community colleges.
Regional Matters

Journal Article
Upfront: New

Econ Focus , Volume 22 , Issue 4Q , Pages 2

Working Paper
The Multiplier Effect of Education Expenditure

This paper examines the short-run effects of federal education expenditures on local income. We exploit city-level variation in exposure to national changes in the $30-billion Federal Pell Grant Program, which is the largest program to help low-income students attend college in the U.S., to calculate fiscal multipliers of education expenditures. An increase in Pell grants by 1 percent of a city's income raises local income by 2.4 percent over the next two years. This multiplier effect is larger than estimates for military spending (1.5 on average). Multipliers are higher when grants are ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2020-058


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