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An Update on Interchange Legislation in the United States
This article provides a summary of recent developments in interchange legislation in the United States as well as the recently released Government Accountability Office report detailing its findings on interchange fees.
Backward Glance While Looking Forward
This article takes a backward glance at some of the early emerging payments nearly a decade after their introduction and examines their status today and where they may be heading.
The Benefits of Collecting and Reporting Payment Fraud Statistics for the United States
This article argues that publication of fraud statistics helps the payment industry to coordinate security efforts, provides useful information for policymakers, and helps to promote consumer confidence in payments. However, while other countries regularly publish such statistics, it is an open question whether they will become available in the United States.
Remote Card Payment Fraud: Trends and Measures Taken in Australia, France, and the United Kingdom
Australia, France, and the United Kingdom have successfully reduced remote card payment fraud rates in recent years. In each of these countries, a self-regulated body, central bank, or trade association has led coordinated efforts to mitigate remote fraud.
Change is Coming: What the EMV Migration May Mean for Payments Innovation
This article considers how the upcoming shift from magnetic stripe to chip technology may affect the survival of card-based payment innovations.