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Keywords:North American Free Trade Agreement 

Working Paper
Dynamic trade liberalization analysis: steady state, transitional and inter-industry effects

Despite their complexity, existing policy evaluation methods ignore many features of the real world that are pertinent for welfare analysis of trade policy. The main limitation of these technics is that they are static, which means they ignore important dynamic consequences of trade liberalization. This paper develops dynamic tools that overcome many of these weaknesses. I apply these technics to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). My analysis suggests that while the steady state gains from NAFTA are significant, the transitional costs associated with moving to the liberalized ...
Working Paper Series , Paper WP-98-15

An evaluation of the performance of applied general equilibrium models of the impact of NAFTA

This paper evaluates the performances of three of the most prominent multisectoral static applied general equilibrium models used to predict the impact of the North American Free Trade Agreement. These models drastically underestimated the impact of NAFTA on North American trade. Furthermore, the models failed to capture much of the relative impacts on different sectors. Ex-post performance evaluations of applied GE models are essential if policymakers are to have confidence in the results produced by these models. Such valuations also help make applied GE analysis a scientific discipline in ...
Staff Report , Paper 320

Conference Paper
Implications of North American free trade for infrastructure and migration on the Texas-Mexico border


Working Paper
Did NAFTA really cause Mexico's high maquiladora growth?

Although Mexico's maquiladora or in-bond plant system is an important and well-recognized component of Mexico-U.S. trade, the connection between the acceleration in maquiladora growth and NAFTA is less clearly understood. A broad cross-section of maquiladora observers - including journalists, political activists, industry analysts, and professors -- argue that Mexico's maquiladoras have been strongly influenced by NAFTA and have grown rapidly as a result. There are reasons to wonder if these conjectures are correct. I test for the contribution of NAFTA to fluctuations in maquiladora ...
Center for Latin America Working Papers , Paper 0301

Working Paper
Border effects within the NAFTA countries

Using consumer price indexes from cities in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, we estimate the "border effect" on U.S.-Mexican relative prices and find that it is nearly an order of magnitude larger than for U.S.-Canadian prices. However, during a very stable sub-period in Mexico (May 1988 to November 1994), the "width" of the U.S.-Mexican border falls dramatically and becomes approximately equal to the U.S.-Canadian border. We then show that when consideration is limited to cities lying geographically very close to the U.S.-Mexican border--San Diego, Los Angeles, Houston, Dallas, Tijuana, ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 698

Journal Article
Free trade issues debated in Atlanta Fed conference

Economics Update , Issue Oct , Pages 1-2

Discussion Paper
NAFTA and Mexican development

Using a calibrated growth model, the dynamic effects of NAFTA on Mexican development are studied. Two scenarios are analyzed. In the first, NAFTA is assumed to stimulate inflows of physical capital into Mexico. These inflows reduce the interest rate and raise the wage rates for both skilled and unskilled labor. The skilled wage rises more sharply, however, increasing the skill premium and rapidly accelerating the accumulation of human capital. In the second scenario, NAFTA is assumed to have the effect of fully integrating Mexico with the U.S. and Canada. Integration also reduces the interest ...
Discussion Paper / Institute for Empirical Macroeconomics , Paper 108

Journal Article
Intra-NAFTA trade and surface traffic: a very disaggregated view

Regional Economic Development , Issue Oct , Pages 87-99

Journal Article
Can U.S.-Mexico free trade last?

Southwest Economy , Issue Jan , Pages 6

Transportation infrastructure and the border economy




FILTER BY Content Type

Journal Article 62 items

Conference Paper 19 items

Working Paper 16 items

Monograph 4 items

Newsletter 4 items

Report 2 items

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Gruben, William C. 13 items

Vargas, Lucinda 7 items

Cañas, Jesus 6 items

Phillips, Keith R. 6 items

Coronado, Roberto 5 items

Wall, Howard J. 5 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

North American Free Trade Agreement 108 items

Mexico 33 items

Free trade 22 items

International trade 17 items

Maquiladora 10 items

Texas 9 items

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