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Keywords:Monetary unions - European Union countries 

Journal Article
Study examines future of European Monetary Union

Economics Update , Issue Apr , Pages 6

The extended importance of the euro

Remarks before the European Banking Congress, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, November 17, 2006 ; "While the ECB has delivered a currency that retains its purchasing power at least as well as the dollar, there are at least three reasons why the euro is unlikely to displace the dollar as the dominant international currency in the near term. First, the growth prospects of the euro area. Second, the uniqueness of EMU. Third, the benefits of incumbency."
Speeches and Essays , Paper 58

Journal Article
European Monetary Union: how close is it?

Economic Review , Issue Sep , Pages 21-27

Journal Article
European Community continues push toward monetary union

Economics Update , Issue Oct , Pages 2-3

Journal Article
The role of banks in monetary policy: a survey with implications for the European Monetary Union

This article begins with a review of the growing literature on the role of banks in the transmission of monetary policy. The authors then discuss the implications of this literature for the operation of monetary policy in the European monetary union.
Economic Perspectives , Volume 22 , Issue Sep

Working Paper
European Monetary Union: evidence from structural VARs

This paper examines the historical pattern of aggregate demand and supply shocks in several European Monetary System countries in order to assess the desirability of monetary union. Countries with similar patterns of shocks are presumably better candidates for monetary union than those hit by wildly disparate shocks. The historical time series of shocks is identified by estimating a vector autoregressive model while imposing the restriction that demand shocks have no permanent effect on real output. In most cases supply shocks are positively correlated with those of Germany, but the negative ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 95-1

Journal Article
European Monetary Union

The discussion briefly reviews the events leading up to the adoption of the European Monetary System in March 1979 and the associated Exchange Rate Mechanism. It goes on to describe the Maastricht Treaty and to review the costs and benefits of a common currency. The author also considers the importance of European Monetary Union (EMU) from a U.S. perspective.
New England Economic Review , Issue Mar , Pages 3-12

Journal Article
On the way to a new monetary union: the European Monetary Union

Review , Issue May , Pages 3-10

Working Paper
Seigniorage and the European Community: is European economic and monetary union in danger?

Working Papers , Paper 90-19

Journal Article
Maastricht Treaty paves way for European Monetary Union

Economics Update , Issue Jan , Pages 3-4


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