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Keywords:Monetary policy - Canada 

Conference Paper
Monetary policy in the 1990s: lessons and challenges

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole

Conference Paper
Overview: central bank perspectives

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole

Journal Article
Canadian targets

FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
Canada's approach to monetary policy

The ultimate goal of Canadian monetary policy is maintaining a low, stable rate of inflation in order to foster efficient economic performance and a rising standard of living for Canadians. More specifically, the Bank of Canada aims to keep inflation inside a target range of 1 to 3 percent. This range, established jointly with the federal government, was first announced in 1991 and has been extended through the end of 2006. Over the medium term, the target applies to total CPI. The Bank also uses a core CPI measure as a guide to future inflation developments over the shorter term. The Bank of ...
New England Economic Review , Issue Q 2 , Pages 19-23

Journal Article
Canada's money targeting experiment

An inquiry into why the Bank of Canada was unable to bridle the inflation of the 1970s by controlling money growth.
Economic Commentary , Issue Feb

Journal Article
Monetary policy without reserve requirements : case studies and options for the United States

Over the past decade, the level of required balances held by depository institutions in the United States has declined dramatically. The decline in reserve balances has fueled a debate over the role of reserve requirements. On the one hand, proponents of reserve requirements argue that low reserve balances may complicate monetary policy operations and increase short-term interest rate volatility. On the other hand, critics of reserve requirements argue that lower reserve requirements remove a distortionary tax on depository institutions and need not complicate monetary policy operations. ; In ...
Economic Review , Volume 82 , Issue Q II , Pages 5-30

Journal Article
Inflation targeting: lessons from four countries

In recent years, a number of central banks have chosen to orient their monetary policy toward the achievement of numerical inflation targets. This study examines the experience of the first three countries to adopt an inflation-targeting strategy--New Zealand, Canada, and the United Kingdom. It also considers the German experience with a monetary targeting scheme that incorporated many elements of inflation targeting even earlier. The authors find that the countries adopting a numerical inflation target have successfully maintained low inflation rates. Other benefits of inflation targeting ...
Economic Policy Review , Volume 3 , Issue Aug , Pages 9-110