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Keywords:Monetary policy - Australia 

Conference Paper
Policy targets and operating procedures: the Australian case

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole

Working Paper
Exploring the role of the real exchange rate in Australian monetary policy

An important issue in small open-economies is whether policymakers should respond to exchange rate movements when they formulate monetary policy. Micro-founded models tend to suggest that there is little to be gained from responding to exchange rate movements, and the literature has largely concluded that such a response is unnecessary, or even undesirable (Taylor, 2001). This paper examines this issue using an estimated model of the Australian economy. In contrast to micro-founded models, according to this model policymakers should allow for movements in the real exchange rage and the ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2002-19

Conference Paper
The New Australian monetary policy


Discussion Paper
Financial deregulation, the demand for money, and monetary policy in Australia

Special Studies Papers , Paper 222

Working Paper
Forecasting Australian monetary aggregates

Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 55

Working Paper
The conduct of monetary policy in a world of increasing capital mobility: a look back at Australian experience in the 1980s

Pacific Basin Working Paper Series , Paper 91-01

Conference Paper
Trade price shocks and insulation: Australia's experience with floating rates

Proceedings , Issue Sep

Journal Article
Australia's approach to monetary policy

According to Australia's Reserve Bank Act, the central bank's broad policy objectives include maintaining the stability of the currency, full employment, and the economic prosperity and welfare of the people of Australia. In 1993 the Reserve Bank of Australia adopted a specific, and thus transparent, inflation target as its operating objective; it aims to keep overall inflation between 2 percent and 3 percent on average over the business cycle.
New England Economic Review , Issue Q 2 , Pages 13-17