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Keywords:Migration, Internal - United States 

Working Paper
Voting with their feet?: local economic conditions and migration patterns in New England

Over the past several years, policymakers and business leaders throughout New England have expressed concern regarding the region's ability to attract and retain skilled workers, given the economic climate of the region compared with other parts of the nation. Indeed, net domestic migration for New England became increasingly negative after the 2001 recession, as the number of people leaving the region exceeded those entering. Examining the factors underlying these migration trends is important for determining what role, if any, public policy might play in addressing their potential impact on ...
New England Public Policy Center Working Paper , Paper 09-1

Journal Article
Affordability and education: keys to San Antonio's long-term growth

This article analyzes San Antonio's competitiveness compared with a group of peer MSAs defined by similar attributes of location, industry composition, demographics, tourism and population size. Our analysis finds that San Antonio remains very economically competitive and likely will continue to enjoy above-average growth in the long run, although the Alamo City does face long-term challenges due to a less-educated population.

Working Paper
Labor reallocation over the business cycle: new evidence from internal migration

This paper establishes the cyclical properties of a novel measure of worker reallocation: long-distance migration rates within the U.S. This internal migration offers a bird's eye view of worker reallocation in the economy, as long-distance migrants often change jobs or employment status. We examine gross migration patterns during the entire postwar era using historical reports of the Current Population Survey, and supplement this analysis with statistics compiled by the Internal Revenue Service on inter-state and inter-metropolitan population flows since 1975. We find that internal migration ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2007-32

Working Paper
The role of the housing market in the migration response to employment shocks

The United States is known for the ability of its residents to move to where the jobs are, and this has helped the nation maintain its position as the world?s top economy. Households? decisions to move depend not only on job prospects but also on the relative cost of housing. I investigate how the housing market affects the flow of workers across cities. This occurs through at least two channels: the relative mobility of homeowners versus renters, and the relative cost of housing across markets. I use homeownership rates to measure the former, and use an index that measures house prices ...
New England Public Policy Center Working Paper , Paper 09-2

Journal Article
U.S. migration over the life cycle

Migration incentives for working-age and retired individuals are quite different and are sensitive to the level of human capital within the family.
Economic Synopses

Understanding Migration Trends to Prepare for the Post-Pandemic Future

As the country has emerged from the pandemic, the places where people have traditionally lived and spent their money have shifted. Considering how our region has fared relative to the rest of the nation, this analysis reveals the region’s strengths and weaknesses and points to seven key insights that should guide policy decisions as we prepare for the post-pandemic years.
Cleveland Fed Regional Policy Report , Issue 20230801 , Pages 32