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Working Paper
Nonlinear Search and Matching Explained
Competing explanations for the sources of nonlinearity in search and matching modelsindicate that they are not fully understood. This paper derives an analytical solution to atextbook model that highlights the mechanisms that generate nonlinearity and quantifiestheir contributions. Procyclical variation in the matching elasticity creates nonlinearity inthe job finding rate, which interacts with the law of motion for unemployment. These resultsshow the matching function choice is not innocuous. Quantitatively, the Den Haan et al.(2000) matching function more than doubles the skewness of ...
Working Paper
The Matching Function and Nonlinear Business Cycles
The Cobb-Douglas matching function is ubiquitous in search and matching models, even though it imposes a constant matching elasticity that is unlikely to hold empirically. Using a general constant returns to scale matching function, this paper first derives analytical conditions that determine how the cyclicality of the matching elasticity amplifies or dampens the nonlinear dynamics of the job finding and unemployment rates. It then demonstrates that these effects are quantitatively significant and driven by plausible variation in the matching elasticity.