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Keywords:Marginal Propensity to Consume 

Working Paper
Monetary Policy with Racial Inequality

I develop a heterogeneous-agent New-Keynesian model featuring racial inequality in income and wealth, and studies interactions between racial inequality and monetary policy. Black and Hispanic workers gain more from accommodative monetary policy than White workers mainly due to higher labor market risks. Their gains are larger also because of a larger proportion of them are hand-to-mouth, while wealthy White workers gain more from asset price appreciation. Monetary and fiscal policies are substitutes in providing insurance against cyclical labor market risks. Racial minorities gain even more ...
Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute Working Papers , Paper 070

Discussion Paper
A Boost in Your Paycheck: How Are U.S. Workers Using the Payroll Tax Cut?

Over the past several months, there was a flurry of debate in Washington over the extension of the payroll tax cut. Many supporters of the tax cut?worth about $1,000 to a family earning the median income of slightly more than $50,000 a year?have cited its importance to the nation?s economic recovery, while opponents claim that it will only add to the national deficit without boosting the economy. Exactly how such a tax cut affects the aggregate economy relies heavily on how U.S. workers use the extra funds in their paychecks. Unfortunately, we know little about how such tax cuts are used by ...
Liberty Street Economics , Paper 20120509


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