Search Results

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Keywords:Manufactures - South 

Journal Article
Manufacturing survey: current activity and prices slip; outlook up slightly

Regional Update , Issue Apr , Pages 6-7

Journal Article
Manufacturing survey: Prices soft, production outlook up in January

Regional Update , Issue Jan , Pages 8-9

Journal Article
Manufacturing survey: Current output and prices up, outlook activity softens in July

Regional Update , Issue Jul , Pages 12-13

Journal Article
Southeastern manufacturing: recent changes and prospects

Economic Review , Issue Jan , Pages 2-15

Journal Article
Manufacturing survey: activity resumes modest growth in the second quarter

Regional Update , Issue Apr , Pages 10-11

Journal Article
Manufacturers post gains in the fifth district

Cross Sections , Issue Spr , Pages 6-7

Journal Article
Manufacturing survey: August activity slips from July surge

Regional Update , Issue Jul , Pages 6-7

Journal Article
Now and then: Dissecting regional differences during recessions

EconSouth , Volume 4 , Issue Q1 , Pages 8-13

Journal Article
Manufacturing survey: activity slows in the third quarter

Regional Update , Issue Jul , Pages 12-13

Journal Article
Manufacturing survey: moderate level of growth follows sharp swings

Regional Update , Issue Jan , Pages 8-9