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Keywords:Loans, Foreign 

Working Paper
Debt buybacks signal sovereign countries' creditworthiness: theory and tests

Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 180

Journal Article
International debt with unenforceable claims

Economic Review , Issue Win , Pages 64-79

Monetary policy under sudden stops

This paper proposes a model to investigate the effects of monetary policy in an emerging market economy that experiences a sudden stop of capital inflows. The model features credit frictions, debt denominated in foreign currency, imported inputs, and households that have access to the international capital market only indirectly, through their ownership of leveraged firms. The sudden stop is modeled as a change in the perceptions of foreign lenders that brings about an increase in the cost of borrowing. I show that the higher the elasticity of foreign demand, the lower the contraction in ...
Staff Reports , Paper 278

Journal Article
Fixed-premium deposit insurance and international credit crunches

This article introduces a monopolistically competitive model of foreign lending in which both explicit and implicit fixed-premium deposit insurance increase the degree to which bank participation in relending to problem debtors falls below its globally optimal level. This provides a channel for fixed-premium deposit insurance to inhibit credit extension in bad states, resulting in an increase in the expected default percentage and an increase in the expected burden on the deposit insurance institutions.
Economic Review

Journal Article
Statement to Congress, April 9, 1986 (difficulties banks facing as a result of farm, energy, and developing country loans)

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Jun , Pages 382-389

Journal Article
Country risk

FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
Participation by the Federal Reserve and Treasury in near-term contingency support for Mexico's reserves

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Oct , Pages 702

International business cycles with endogenous incomplete markets

Backus, Kehoe and Kydland (1992), Baxter and Crucini (1995) and Stockman and Tesar (1995) find two major discrepancies between standard international business cycle models with complete markets and the data: In the models, cross-country correlations are much higher for consumption than for output, while in the data the opposite is true; and cross-country correlations of employment and investment are negative, while in the data they are positive. This paper introduces a friction into a standard model that helps resolve these anomalies. The friction is that international loans are imperfectly ...
Staff Report , Paper 265

Journal Article
U.S. banks' exposure to developing countries: an examination of recent trends

Economic Review , Issue Spr , Pages 14-29

Journal Article
A balanced approach to the LDC debt problem

Quarterly Review , Volume 13 , Issue Spr , Pages 1-6


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