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Keywords:Libor OR LIBOR 

Act Now, and Choose Wisely

Remarks at the 2021 ISDA North America Conference (delivered via videoconference).

LIBOR: origins, economics, crisis, scandal, and reform

The London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) is a widely used indicator of funding conditions in the interbank market. As of 2013, LIBOR underpins more than $300 trillion of financial contracts, including swaps and futures, in addition to trillions more in variable-rate mortgage and student loans. LIBOR's volatile behavior during the financial crisis provoked questions surrounding its credibility. Ongoing regulatory investigations have uncovered misconduct by a number of financial institutions. Policymakers across the globe now face the task of reforming LIBOR in the aftermath of the scandal and ...
Staff Reports , Paper 667

Working Paper
Option-Implied Libor Rate Expectations across Currencies

In this paper, I study risk-neutral probability densities regarding future Libor rates denominated in British pounds, euros, and US dollars as implied by option prices. I apply Breeden and Litzenberger?s (1978) result regarding the relationship between option prices and implied probabilities for the underlying to estimate full probability density functions for future Libor rates. I use these estimates in case studies, detailing the evolution of probabalistic expectations for future Libor rates over the course of several important market events. Next, I compute distributional moments from ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 1182

Money markets at a crossroads: policy implementation at a time of structural change: remarks at the Master of Applied Economics' Distinguished Speaker Series, University of California, Los Angeles

Remarks at the Master of Applied Economics' Distinguished Speaker Series, University of California, Los Angeles.
Speech , Paper 240

Good Day Sunshine

Remarks at Midsize Bank Coalition of America (delivered via videoconference).

Working Paper
What Drives Bank Funding Spreads?

We use matched, bank-level panel data on Libor submissions and credit default swaps to decompose bank-funding spreads at several maturities into components reflecting counterparty credit risk and funding-market liquidity. To account for the possibility that banks may strategically misreport their funding rates in the Libor survey, we nest our decomposition within a model of the costs and benefits of lying. We find that Libor spreads typically consist mostly of a liquidity premium and that this premium declined at short maturities following Federal Reserve interventions in bank funding ...
Working Paper Series , Paper WP-2014-23

The role of the New York Fed as administrator and producer of reference rates: remarks at the Annual Primary Dealer Meeting, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City

Remarks at the Annual Primary Dealer Meeting, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City.
Speech , Paper 270

The transition to a robust reference rate regime: remarks at Bank of England’s Markets Forum 2018, London, England

Remarks at Bank of England?s Markets Forum 2018, London, England.
Speech , Paper 287

Money Market Developments: Views from the Desk

Remarks at the Annual Primary Dealer Meeting, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City.
Speech , Paper 333

Transitioning Away From LIBOR: Understanding SOFR’s Strengths and Considering the Path Forward

Remarks at the Bank Policy Institute’s Credit-Sensitive Benchmark Symposium (delivered via videoconference).


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LIBOR 29 items

SOFR 9 items

reference rates 9 items

Alternative Reference Rates Committee (ARRC) 7 items

transition 7 items

Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) 6 items

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