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Keywords:Latin America 

Journal Article
Putting second-generation reforms to the test

EconSouth , Volume 5 , Issue Q3 , Pages 14-19

Journal Article
Dollarization as a monetary arrangement for emerging market economies

Official dollarization refers to the adoption of the U.S. dollar as legal tender in place of the national currency. Some Latin American countries have recently dollarized, and others have seriously considered dollarization. This article discusses the reasons behind the surge of interest in dollarization and provides a review of the new academic literature on the topic. It discusses in detail some of the factors that are commonly considered to be the important costs and benefits of dollarizing. The paper also provides an analysis of the existing liability dollarization in several countries and ...
Review , Volume 83 , Issue Nov.

Working Paper
Trade and the skill premium in developing countries: the role of intermediate goods and some evidence from Peru

The rise in income inequality in developing countries after trade liberalization has been a puzzle for trade theory, which predicts the opposite effect. The authors present a model with imported intermediate goods in which the relative wages of skilled labor can rise due to higher imports of inputs or due to skill-biased technological change. The evidence from Peru in the post-liberalization phase in the early 1990s supports the skilled-biased technological change hypothesis. The authors find that most of the decrease in the blue-collar wage share in the manufacturing industries can be ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 2002-11

Journal Article
Review essay - Selected finance and trade periodicals on Latin America: an update

Economic Review , Volume 79 , Issue May , Pages 28-36

Journal Article
The Asian crisis' effect on Latin America

Economics Update , Issue Jul , Pages 3, 5

Journal Article
Social security in Latin America: recent reforms and challenges

Over the last decade Latin American countries have served as the world's laboratory for pension systems based upon individual retirement savings accounts. In the 1990s several countries in the region followed Chile's lead in setting up individual accounts, and since that time countries throughout the world have looked to the region for lessons. ; This article summarizes the broad range of pension reforms in Latin America and highlights some of the most noteworthy and unique features of each country's reforms. Some countries have adopted defined-contribution individual accounts as a ...
Economic Review , Volume 86 , Issue Q1 , Pages 41-52

Journal Article
Examining social security privatization in Latin America

Economics Update , Issue Oct , Pages 2-3

Journal Article
Hey, Mr. Greenspan, can you spare a dollar?

Southwest Economy , Issue Jul , Pages 14

Journal Article
Imbalances in Latin American fiscal accounts: why the United States should care

EconSouth , Volume 2 , Issue Q1 , Pages 14-19

Latin American international loan defaults in the 1930s: lessons for the 1980s?

Research Paper , Paper 8812



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anonymous 16 items

Quispe-Agnoli, Myriam 6 items

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Latin America 86 items

Fiscal policy 16 items

Developing countries 11 items

Chile 9 items

Inflation (Finance) 9 items

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