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Keywords:Labor market 

Journal Article
Metro outlook `98: labor availability tops list for most District metro areas

Fedgazette , Issue Jan , Pages 1, 4-5

Working Paper
The role of housing in labor reallocation

This paper builds a dynamic general equilibrium model of cities and uses it to analyze the role of local housing markets and moving costs in determining the character and extent of labor reallocation in the US economy. Labor reallocation in the model is driven by idiosyncratic city-specific productivity shocks, which we measure using a dataset that we compile using more than 350 U.S. cities for the years 1984 to 2008. Based on this measurement, we find that our model is broadly consistent with the city-level evidence on net and gross population flows, employment, wages and residential ...
Working Paper Series , Paper WP-2010-18

Journal Article
Why Johnny can’t work

The Region , Volume 19 , Issue Jun , Pages 32-40

Journal Article
What do we know about job loss in the United States? evidence from the displaced workers survey, 1984-2004

Economic Perspectives , Volume 29 , Issue Q II , Pages 13-28

Journal Article
How much do expansions reduce the black-white employment gap?

Regional Review , Volume 10 , Issue Q3 , Pages 5-7

Working Paper
Aggregate real wages: macro fluctuations and micro drivers

Using data from the Current Population Survey from 1980 through 2010 we examine what drives variation and cyclicality in the growth rate of real wages over time. We employ a novel decomposition technique that allows us to divide the time series for median weekly earnings growth into the part associated with the wage growth of persons employed at the beginning and end of the period (the wage growth effect) and the part associated with changes in the composition of earners (the composition effect). The relative importance of these two effects varies widely over the business cycle. When the ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2011-23

Working Paper
Asymmetric information in the labor market: new evidence on layoffs, recalls, and unemployment

In the United States, many laid-off workers are recalled to their former employer. I develop an asymmetric information model of layoffs in which high-productivity workers are more likely to be recalled and may choose to remain unemployed rather than accept a low-wage job. In this case, unemployment can serve as a signal of productivity, and unemployment duration may be positively related to post-layoff wages even among workers who are not recalled. In contrast, since workers whose plant closed cannot be recalled, longer unemployment duration should not have a positive signaling benefit for ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 1999-09

Journal Article
Jobless recovery redux?

Although the pace of layoffs appears to be subsiding and the overall economy is showing hints of stabilization, most forecasters expect unemployment to continue to increase in coming months and to recede only gradually as recovery takes hold. In this Economic Letter, we evaluate this projection using data on three labor market indicators: worker flows into and out of unemployment; involuntary part-time employment; and temporary layoffs. We pay particular attention to how these indicators compare with data from previous episodes of recession and recovery. Our analysis generally supports ...
FRBSF Economic Letter

Is there a skills mismatch in the labor market?

This article reviews the concept of skills mismatch in the labor market and examines its role in explaining ongoing low levels of hiring and high levels of unemployment during the current economic recovery.
Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Jul

Journal Article
How positive are recent employment and labor market trends?

Assessing the state of the economy requires estimates of trends in employment and the labor force. Large monthly fluctuations make it difficult to infer these from monthly data.
Economic Synopses



Working Papers 41 items

Speech 35 items

Working Paper Series 33 items

Finance and Economics Discussion Series 30 items

FRBSF Economic Letter 29 items

Federal Reserve Bulletin 27 items

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FILTER BY Content Type

Journal Article 304 items

Working Paper 159 items

Speech 37 items

Conference Paper 28 items

Report 24 items

Newsletter 21 items

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anonymous 36 items

Dudley, William 20 items

Hobijn, Bart 16 items

Valletta, Robert G. 15 items

Aaronson, Daniel 13 items

Daly, Mary C. 13 items

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FILTER BY Jel Classification

E24 8 items

J64 5 items

J21 4 items

J15 3 items

J20 3 items

J60 3 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Labor market 594 items

Unemployment 126 items

Wages 63 items

Employment 62 items

Employment (Economic theory) 46 items

Labor supply 44 items

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