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Large, Dominant Firms Depress Local Wages; Housing Costs Help Offset Lower Pay

Concern has increased about the ability of very large firms to exert market power and hold down wages in localities where they dominate.
Dallas Fed Economics

Whose Wages Are Falling Behind the Least amid Surging Inflation?

For a majority of workers, wages didn’t increase as fast as inflation in the 12 months ended in second quarter 2022. Here, we dig deeper to see how outcomes may have differed across groups of workers.
Dallas Fed Economics

Commuting Patterns During COVID-19 Endure; Minorities Less Likely to Work from Home

Some workers transitioned to working from home relatively easily. In many jobs, however, performing regular work activities from home is impossible, forcing many individuals to become inactive or look for a new job.
Dallas Fed Economics

What’s Up (or Not Up) with Wages?

This is the third of three articles that talk about the natural rate of unemployment, the unemployment rate that would prevail in a “neutral” labor market after removing all movement due to the business cycle.
Dallas Fed Economics

Journal Article
Monetary Policy Shocks and Aggregate Supply

Willem Van Zandweghe examines whether monetary policy has had long-lasting effects on labor productivity and potential output.
Economic Review , Issue Q III , Pages 31-56

Reopening the U.S. Economy an Industry at a Time

A novel index of physical contact exposure helps to identify the industries that are the most contact-intensive and might reopen later, as well as lower-contact industries that could reopen sooner.
On the Economy

Social Distancing and Contact-Intensive Occupations

Some jobs certainly require more close interaction with other folks than other jobs. Which occupations are the most interactive, and which states have higher shares of these jobs?
On the Economy

Labor Economy at Greater Risk in Texas than U.S. During COVID-19 Crisis

The coronavirus crisis could more adversely affect the Texas economy than the U.S. economy due to the state’s relatively large share of at-risk jobs, a review of data suggests.
Dallas Fed Economics

How Much Slack Is Left in the Labor Market?

Our analysis shows that viewing the level of employment through the lens of the employment-to-population ratio does not indicate considerable slack in the labor market.
Dallas Fed Economics

Pandemic Economic Lifeline: Taxes on Consumption, Labor that Fund Stay-at-Home Subsidies

Stay-at-home subsidies funded by taxes on consumption and labor—activities that contribute to viral transmission—can simultaneously reduce deaths and increase output.
Dallas Fed Economics


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Tracy, Joseph 13 items

Rich, Robert W. 12 items

Atkinson, Tyler 7 items

Morris, Michael 6 items

Mertens, Karel 5 items

Dolmas, Jim 4 items

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Labor 68 items

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COVID-19 26 items

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Monetary policy 7 items

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