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Using the new products margin to predict the industry-level impact of trade reform
This paper develops a methodology for predicting the impact of trade liberalization on exports by industry (3-digit ISIC) based on the pre-liberalization distribution of exports by product (5-digit SITC). Using the results of Kehoe and Ruhl (2013) that much of the growth in trade after trade liberalization is in products that are traded very little or not at all, we predict that industries with a higher share of exports generated by least traded products will experience more growth. Using our methodology, we develop predictions for industry-level changes in trade for the United States and ...
Journal Article
Banking system developments in the four Asian tigers
Journal Article
External shocks and adjustment in four Asian economics--1978-87
Journal Article
Financial consequences of new Asian surpluses
Journal Article
After the Asian financial crisis: can rapid credit expansion sustain growth?
In the years following the Asian financial crisis of 1997-1998, the governments of South Korea and Thailand each have sought to generate economic recovery by expanding domestic credit. The rapid credit expansion in both countries has created concerns about the extent to which their economies can channel these funds efficiently and sustain economic growth. In particular, if banks are unable to supervise the allocation of resources effectively, there is a risk of widespread bankruptcies and a financial system crisis. Previous experience shows that these Asian economies indeed may be at risk of ...
Conference Paper
Macroeconomic model building in Korea
Journal Article
Korea and export-led growth